Mariah nodded. “I like to keep my private life private. It's not always possible, but I try.”

Diane held up her hand. “But a lot has happened in these three years.”

Mariah nodded again as Diane started to count on her fingers.

“You divorced your first husband Tommy Mottola, then you married Michael Jackson, released a number one album, gave birth to twins, and more recently, your brother-”

Mariah’s grin deflated. “I'd rather not talk about my brother.”

Diane nodded. “Very well. Let's talk about motherhood. How has it been? Your daughters are… four months old, right?”

Oh God.

“Yes, they are. And they're doing really well.”

“But how are you? Your brother-in-law, Jermaine Jackson, gave a statement saying that you were in critical condition shortly after the birth. What happened?” Diane inquired.

Mariah bit her lip. “I'd prefer not to talk about that.”

“Well, we heard that you were diagnosed with a pretty devastating disease. How have you coped with that?”

“Well, you know, life happens. You can only push on.” Mariah responded.

Diane nodded her head, seeming to get the hint. “So how have you accommodated to being a mother?”

“I’ve just been taking it day by day. The girls are growing up so fast you know. Being a first time mother is definitely an adjustment.”

“Yeah, speaking of, there were rumors back in 1993 of a pregnancy?” Diane asked.

What the hell?

Mariah raised an eyebrow. “I’m sorry?”

“Your sister. She gave a statement to Hard Copy stating that you were indeed pregnant back in 1993.” Diane explained.

Mariah faked a smile. “There are a lot of rumors about me. And you know what, not every rumor needs to be addressed.”

Diane looked into the camera before nodding along. Mariah could tell Diane was disappointed that she didn’t get the scoop she wanted.

“Well, okay we have a lot more to discuss. We'll be right back with Mariah Carey.”

“Welcome back to 20/20 with me, Diane Sawyer. We’re here with Mariah Carey, or should I say Mariah Jackson?” Diane asked, smiling at Mariah.

Mariah gave a polite smile and nodded her head.

“Now we know that you married Michael in December of 96, what has that been like for you?”

Mariah took a deep breath, then smiled. “You know, it’s been wonderful. We’ve always loved each other very much, you know since Day One. We’ve been together for about eight years now, so we just figured it was time.”

“That's interesting because you know, you were previously married to the head of your record label and claimed that he abused you.”

Claimed? Bitch...

“What are you trying to say?” Mariah responded, growing simultaneously distant and hostile.

“Well, the timing of it all just seems very convenient. Wouldn't you need time to heal from a domestic violence situation?”

“Well it's actually not convenient, Diane. I left my marriage with Tommy a year before I married Michael.”

“Okay I'm just trying to figure this out. It's a lot to keep up with.” Diane replied, patronizingly.

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