Chapter 7- New Beginnings

Start from the beginning

"I'll stay safe, mom. I love you too," I smiled, and gave her another hug.

I turned to Ian and Marcy, who had patiently waited their turns to say goodbye. "I'll miss you too. You better call me and tell me about everything. Or else I'll have to take you up on that offer of buying Ian and I plane tickets to come visit you," she warned, and I laughed. 

"One, I never promised you anything, and two, of course I'll keep in touch," I said, and Marcy smiled at me.

Then Ian turned to me. He picked me up and spun me around in a big hug, holding me as if he'd never let go. "Use the app, Gracie. Call me always," he whispered, and I nodded. He set me down gently, and brushed his lips against my forehead. "I'll miss you Gracie," he murmured, and I felt my face heat up slightly. I gave everyone a final hug, then turned to Roger.

"I assume my two minutes are up?" I said weakly, and he nodded. I turned once more to my friends and my mom, and gave them a slight wave. They all waved back. I took a deep breath and then turned to follow Roger as he led the way onto the plane, urging myself not to look back.


"So when you fly, are you more of a window seat or aisle seat kind of person?" I asked Roger as we stepped onto the plane. 

"Aisle," he said without hesitation as he led the way to our seats. "Here we are." 

"First class? Nice," I said as I slid into the window seat, and Roger sat down beside me. We sat in awkward silence as the plane slowly filled with people.

"So... How long is the flight going to be?" I asked, and Roger turned to me with an annoyed expression on his face. It seemed to be the only expression he was capable of today-- annoyance. 

"Did you not look up the travel time before you came here?" 

"I did. I was just trying to start conversation," I lied, and I turned to look out the window.

"Is that boy you were talking to today your boyfriend?" He asked suddenly, and I quickly turned to face him. 

"Ian? Oh no, he's just my friend. We've known each other forever," I said, and Roger seemed to visibly relax. 

"I see." 

"Out of curiosity, why do you ask?" I said, and Roger shrugged. 

"Relationships in our field tend not to hold up well due to our... career choices," he said carefully.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked, and Roger shook his head.

"No. I don't exactly have the traits most women look for in a man," he said simply. As the flight attendant announced takeoff, I pulled out my laptop and headphones. I scrolled through my movie library, attempting to pick one that would entertain me for the flight.

Roger leaned closer to me to take a look at my screen. "The Great Gatsby? Is that a movie?" He asked. 

"Well, it was a book first, but yeah. You've never seen it?" 

"I don't watch movies very often," he reasoned, and I shrugged. 

"Fair enough. Want to watch it with me?" He looked hesitant for a moment, then reluctantly agreed.

I placed my laptop between us and handed him one of my ear buds, forcing us to move even closer to each other. I began the movie, and was instantly engrossed by the film. The only thing that broke me from the spell was Roger gently placing his arm across my shoulders. I tensed at his touch, and looked over at him, but his gaze hadn't left the screen.

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