As for Sophie give her another chance. Just as friends. The small time I spent with her, I think I got what made you fall for her. Just her calm and pleasant nature and raw beauty. She doesn't really mean all the hateful things she says to you. She's just angry that you chose Demi over her, but at the end of the day she loves you. And she only wants to see you be happy.

Thank you for being the shoulder to cry on and thank you for looking after Demi.


My loves like a star, yeah? You can't always see me, but you know that I'm always there.


Nicole xxx'



It’s me Nic. I hope you’re doing okay. Don’t be upset okay? I’m always with you. I’m always going to be in your heart. I’m always going to be in your memories. You should be happy Josh, you’re going to do great things. I just know it.

I’m happier now. I’m happy now that I’m away from all the sadness. One day you’ll see me again, when you’re old and grey haired. Never a day sooner you hear?

My love’s like a star, yeah? You can’t always see me, but I’m always there.

 I’ll be looking over you from up here. Keep happy and stay strong for me buddy.

Keep your grades up at school, keep social, get a good set of friends around you and enjoy your life. Don’t take too much for granted and stay safe. I love you so much Josh, you’re a good kid.


Nicole xxxxxx’



You know me better than anyone. But you still don’t really know me, not the real me. No one does, not even me really. To know me, you’d need to know my thoughts and understand what goes on inside my head. But you have no hope in doing that, as I don’t truly understand what happens in there sometimes.

I’m sick of pretending that everything’s okay, when it’s really not. Nothing has been okay since I was ten. That’s when it all started. The verbal abuse, then the physical. But you know all this and I’m not going to go into it right now.

But there is something you don’t know, that I’ve been meaning to tell you. Sapphire, the girl I was staying with? Well, she isn’t called Sapphire. In fact, her name is Sophie. Yep, that Sophie. I found this out the day I came back to you with Jennel. Jennel went round to get her stuff and they were arguing, so I went in and found them both. Sap...Sophie was angry with Jennel and then with me for knowing both of you. That’s why I turned up back at yours with Jennel.

Thank you for being there for me when my parents hurt me, even through you’d only known me a day. Thank you for trusting me and letting me in. Thank you for taking us in and making me feel like I could belong somewhere. Thank you for standing up for me at school. Thank you for understanding. But most of all thank you for looking after Josh; I know he’s in safe hands with you and Jennel.

Good luck with the album Demi. You really deserve some good things to come your way. You know what my lyric book looks like (top draw) use it if you want. I know you liked some of my songs I let you read and hear.

Please just promise me that you’ll keep staying strong. That you’ll stay with Jennel, because let’s face it, she’s a keeper. And, that you won’t let Josh forget about me. Even if he hates my guts, please just make sure he doesn’t forget me.

It’s bullying that has killed me, I don’t want anyone to feel the way I have. Please, if you make it big, do something towards bullying. Obviously, you don’t have to. But yeah...


My loves like a star yeah? You can’t always see me, but you know that I’m always there.

Nicole xxx’



Demi’s POV

Jennel, Josh and I decided to move to America during the summer. We sold our house and brought a new build out in Indiana. We figured a fresh start would be better for all of us. We chose Indiana because it’s roughly half way between Texas and Massachusetts, where majority of our families live.

It’s been two months since Nicole died and it hasn’t gotten easier. Yes, we’ve moved on a bit, we get on with our everyday lives. But we all feel like something or someone is missing.

Jennel asked me to marry her a week ago. She got someone to look after Josh and she cooked me a meal. Nothing fancy, just macaroni cheese. We watched all my favourite movies and when she got up to put on the last one, she knelt down to put the disc into the player. She turned towards me and gestured for me to go to her and after groaning and her being quite persistent, I did. She produced a box from behind her and took my hand.

“You know I’m no good with this romantic crap. And I know that you prefer small gestures than big events. So I made you a den and put on all the movies you love. I cooked your favourite meal- that I can cook anyway. And you mean the world to me. I need you to function properly and I need you by my side to face this big scary world. So what do you say? Will you, Demetria Devonne Lovato, marry me?”

She’s right. I hate it when someone makes a huge romantic gesture. It’s sweet, but I’d rather you prove that you know me well enough to do all my favourite things in one night. Of course, naturally I said yes. We haven’t made any plans yet, but then it’s only been a week and it’s us. We always leave everything to the last moment.

In other news, Jennel got a new job as a doctor. Unfortunately it means I don’t get to see her as often as I would like, but she’s happy and that’s all that matters. Josh started school this week and he’s making good progress already. It turns out he’s dyslexic, so he receives extra help. He’s made friends already and is defiantly in with the right crowd. I’ve released my album and am currently doing odd TV and radio shows to promote it. I’ve got a US tour coming up and I’m already working on my next album. I’m using some of the songs Nicole wrote. Like, I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me and Warrior. Of course she’ll get all the credit and if Syco will let me, I’ll add her versions to the CD as well. I doubt I’d be allowed though, but I’ll fight for it. Nicole caused a lot of new songs to be written; My Love's Like A Star and Nightingale are probably the best examples. I have so much to thank her for and she'll never know. I just hope she's up there looking down on all of us. I hope she's happy now.

I’ve got a steady and growing fan base once again. And they completely accept me for me now and they understand my relationship with Jennel and I’m slowly talking about Nicole and Josh.

Both our families have been supportive for us, they help us out a lot with Nicole’s funeral and the whole process of moving. Maddie and Josh have become close, which is good to see. And he gets on with Jennel’s little brother Josh. That’s always fun when they’re together, same name and all. The best thing is to see who they’ve all welcomed him with open arms, they accepted him straight away and he’s comfortable with everyone.

I guess you could say I’ve come to terms with the events of the past few months. I can finally say “Rest in peace Nicole.” Without feeling like it’s not true.

We’ve got a good thing going right now and I don’t think anything could ruin it. We have our bad moments, but we help each other through. We’re a family, through thick and thin.


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