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"We're back home!" Liv exclaims, and eagerly grabs her stuff.

Everyone has their stuff and was standing up by now, all except for Sirius.

"Wait for me, you guys." Sirius chuckled, as he was quickly finishing organizing his bag.

"We wouldn't leave without you anyway, Sirius." Remus assured him.

He smiles. "Okay, good"

Sirius was starting to take forever, Liv thought. She started tapping her foot impatiently, hoping Sirius would catch on.

He finally did. "I'm almost done!" He shouted.

Liv laughed at his frustration. "Dear Godric, Sirius. It's not like i was saying, "SIRIUS ORION BLACK! HURRY YOUR ASS UP IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE LATE!""

Remus, James, and Peter laughed at this. Sirius just furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm so glad you didn't say that, honestly." He chuckled. But just a bit.

Once Sirius was finally ready, they all walked to the carriages together.

When they all sat down in one, Remus said, "I can't believe this is our 5th year here!"

James nodded. "I can't either! At least I still have 2 years left to win Evans over."

Liv rolled her eyes. "James, you should realize that Lily doesn't want you. She's been turning you down for the longest time. Please leave her alone."

He scoffed. "She's just playing hard to get. She'll come around"

Liv shrugged. "I doubt that." She mutters.

Thankfully, James didn't hear her.

Usually Liv was there for James, but she was done with him annoying the crap out of Lily Evans. She didn't deserve it. Plus, Liv thought that Severus and Lily would make a pretty good couple. She never told that to James, though, and didn't plan on it.

"I just realized; in all my time here, I never bothered going to Hogsmeade." Peter admits.

Liv laughed. "Jeez Peter! We're fifth years now."

"Well, you should make some time to go." James told him.

"Yeah. But don't get drunk on candy like James does." Liv teased.

James rolled his eyes but he laughed. "You know me too well."

"Too well that it's scary?" Remus asked

Liv smiled. "Perhaps."

When they arrived to Hogwarts, Liv got so excited that she felt it was necessary to jump out of the carriage.

Remus walks up next to her. "You seem pretty hyper today." He joked

"I'm just happy to be back! And excited for the food, of course." Liv replied

He smiled. "I thought so."

"So now you know me too well?" Liv demanded.

Remus chuckled. "Perhaps." He imitated her.

"Cmon. I don't sound that annoying, right?"

"I didn't intend for that imitation to sound annoying...sorry Liv." He laughed nervously

"No, no, it's fine." She assured him "Now let's go to the Great Hall. I'm hungry, and I'd like to see the sorting."

The five of them walked into the castle, and they were all satisfied to be back.

They walked over to the Gryffindor table, and liv stared at the food in awe.

"I see the look in your eyes, Liv. Not yet." Sirius laughed

Liv rolled her eyes.

They all waited patiently for Dumbledore to stop speaking, and for the sorting to end, so they could eat. When that time finally came, Liv was the first to take a bite of her food

"So...good..." She said, with a mouthful of chicken

"I agree." Sirius replied, who also had a mouthful of chicken

Remus was reading while eating, and James snuck glances at Lily.

Sirius and Liv both chatted for awhile.

Peter just kept silent as he ate.

When it finally came time to go to the dorms, Liv walked up to Severus really fast. "I apologize in advance for whatever James is going to do this year."

Severus smiled. "Oh, it's fine. Thank you, though."

Liv smiled back. "No problem. Goodnight Sev."

Liv never planned on telling her friends this, but she had been friends with Severus since first year. Well, Remus and Peter probably knew. Sirius probably suspected it, and James had no idea. She didn't think James would mind as long as she didn't force him to hang out with her and Sev.

Somehow in first year, Sirius convinced McGonagall to let Liv share a dorm with the Marauders. She wasn't sure how he managed to convince her, but she was glad he did. McGonagall probably took it up to Dumbledore, and he's pretty laid back so he probably didn't care.

Sirius, James, and Peter fell asleep at around 10:00, due to being full from food, but Remus and Liv read a book together until midnight, despite how full they were.

When Liv got in bed, she felt a sudden wave of guilt. Perhaps it had something to do with James being mean to Severus all these years, and yet Liv wants to be friends with both of them. She was anxious that James would make her choose over him or Severus sooner or later.

She decided to leave this thought for another time, and slowly drifted off to sleep, thinking about what would happen next in the book she and Remus read together.

I'm actually feeling confident about a fanfiction for once?! Yay!

Severus and Lily chapter next! :)


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