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Sophia cried as she stood out in the garden. Alone again, after what Justin had told her. It was all because of the curse. She knew it had to be true. She knew it was true. She could never love anyone without sentencing them to an untimely death. And the one man. The one perfect man that she does love, isn't because of love at all. It's because of magic. Magic brought Justin here. And magic was the reason that she can't be with him.

For the first time, she actually hated her magic. She hated herself for conjuring up that perfect boy. And that's what she thinks the whole time she walks back up to the house. The first person she sees is her sister, and no words are said between the two as they embraced tightly.

Her sister's hand strokes her hair and her eyes close softly until she feels a warm wet tongue glide on the side of her face. Her eyes snap open and as the voice that doesn't belong to her sister whispers in her ear, her heart begins to pick up the pace again.

"I'm really into sisters right now." The voice says, and she can immediately recognize it to be that of Azrael Lumin's. She turned around, clenching and unclenching her fists and then she swings back at her sister's possessed body, which hits the wall-unit that contains the candles and falls back to the ground.

Her daughter's call for her. And Sophia pants heavily and stares at her sister's body on the floor. The door opens and her Aunts walk in, carrying their suitcases and looking in the direction that Sophia is.

"Seems your instincts are getting a bit rusty dear." Aunt Elena says.

The Aunts get to work quickly. They grab Jillian's body and tie her to a chair in the living room. Aunt Elena mixes together an elixir, and Aunt Rosie takes a towel and begins to clean off her niece's forehead. Sophia explains to them everything that's happened even though they already know.

"He's squatting inside her like a toad." Aunt Rosie says as she runs the cloth along Jillian's face.

"And this is what comes from dabbling. You can't practice witchcraft while you're looking down your nose at it." Aunt Rosie scolds

"I know okay. I know." Jillian wakes up panting hard and throwing her head back and forth. "Just tell me what I have to do and I'll do it." Sophia sighed.

"We have to banish him." Says Aunt Elena as she tightens the rope around Jillian's awakening body.

"We have to force his spirit back into the grave," Rosie says, but this time she's not talking to Sophia she's talking to Elena who is thinking the same thing as her.

"We'll need a whole coven."

"Nine women," Rosie says, and as Sophia hears those words she realizes that'll be almost impossible to come by. That is until Elena turns to her with her hand on Jilly's cheek.

"Do you have any friends?" Sophia realized, that she may not have many friends but she does have the phone tree. Which contains a whole list of women who will come at an emergency. And this is probably the biggest emergency she'll ever come by.

"Aubrey, hey it's Sophia. I'm activating the phone tree cause um... you know what everyone's always whispering about me? You know the hexes, the spells. Well here's the thing... uh, I'm a witch!" And once those words stumbled past her lips Aubrey called Annie, who called Linda and then the list went on as everyone was informed of the confirmed information that had been going around town for decades.

At the house, the girls replaced the decorations with candles and stars to protect themselves from the spirit of Azrael Lumin. The women of the town decided to show up, only for the reason of their curiosity. They didn't really care all that much for Jilly, but to finally be invited into the home of the Grey witches was something everyone wanted. No matter how bad they talked about them.

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