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"How much did you give him Soph!?" Jillian exclaimed as she continued to do compressions on her now dead ex-boyfriend. Sophie ran her fingers threw her hair, watching as her older sister tried to pump air back into the man's lungs.

"I don't know Jilly! I wasn't using a measuring cup, he was trying to kill you!" She didn't want to be responsible for the man's death, no matter how much of an ass Azrael Lumin was, she didn't want him to be dead at all.

"Come on!" Jillian sighed as she gave Azrael's lifeless body mouth to mouth. She pressed her palm to her forehead as she continued to cry. It was all settling in, they just killed him. Azrael was dead, and she didn't know what they were going to do.

Jillian paced around the car, while Sophia stood in front of it thinking about what was going to happen to them. Jillian lit a cigarette trying to calm herself down, but it was useless at this point, because she was beyond freaking out.

"Please god, please get us out of this." She prayed while looking up at the sky. "I promise I'll be good. I'll have babies, I-"

"I have babies!" Sophia exclaimed making her sister stop. "I had normal Jillian, and I worked really hard to get there. But from this moment on, I will never have normal again!" She threw her hands up breaking down into tears.

"I know Soph, I know it's all my fault. I didn't mean to ruin your life, I just had no one else to turn to." She said holding her sister in her arms. Sophia didn't want Jillian to blame herself, it was that bastard Azrael Lumin and his obsessiveness.

"Just get in the car." Sophia said. Even though she didn't blame Jillian she was still incredibly stressed and angry. "Get. In. The. Car." Jillian nodded her head and threw out her cigarette, following her younger sister into the dead man's car.

They drove in the direction of the island, while Sophia thought of what exactly they were going to do. At first she suggested going to the police and telling them it was self-defence but Jillian reminded her that they drugged him so they wouldn't buy the story. Jillian pulled out another cigarette and Sophia sighed.

"You really should stop smoking Jilly." She shook her head.

"Why?" She mumbled with the stick between her lips. "I'm probably going to get life, this'll shorten the sentence." She grabbed a lighter from Azrael's pocket and breathed in the toxic air.

"I really don't want to lose my children." Sophia cried, as she continued to drive the car.

"I know." Jilly sighed. "Neither do I Soph."

They continued driving and Jillian began to look back and forth between the main road and Azrael's dead body. She began to formulate a plan in her head, not entirely sure if it would work, but for now it seemed to be their only solution.

"What are you thinking?" Sophia asked hesitantly, and she saw as her older sister bit her lip in concentration.

"When Ryan died you went to the Aunts, and you asked them to bring him back right?" Sophia shook her head.

"No, but they wouldn't."

"Wouldn't but not couldn't." Jillian said, looking back at Azrael again.

"But they were right, they said he would come back as something dark, and unnatural." She said to her sister, recalling what the aunts had told her that night.

"Azrael's already dark and unnatural, and I don't care what he comes back as, as long as he comes back with a pulse!" She exclaimed but Sophia knew that they shouldn't.

"No, no, that is not an option Jilly! That is not a choice!" She said to her sister.

"We don't have a choice here Soph! This is our choice!" She yelled.

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