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For over two hundred years the Grey women have been blamed for just about everything that has ever gone wrong in their small town. It's not that the people hate them, they haven't truly done anything-maliciously- that would give them a valid reason to do so.

The Grey women just happen to make everyone a bit nervous, and it's hard for anyone to understand them. Truthfully, these women had always seemed to cause trouble in their town, and it all started with their grandmother; Martha.

She was the first witch in their family, and that, among the reason that she was known to sleep with almost all the men-whom most of which were married- was the reason that everyone in the town condemned her to be hung for her 'crimes'.

Though it wasn't either of those reasons why she was truly 'hated' amongst them, it was because Martha had a gift. A gift that would be passed down to her children, and her children's children.

Martha had the gift of magic. Something that people could not understand, and so they chose to fear.

On the day she was meant to be hung, everyone came to watch, the men- of course- were forgiven by their wives and the only person to take the blame was Martha. She stood there amongst all of those that hated her and was prepared to jump, but not to her death.

For because of the gift, Martha's life was saved, which caused the people of the town to banish her off to an island where she would be far away from everyone.

Martha saved not only her life but that of her baby too. From all the men she had slept with, there was one that she actually loved, and he promised to come for her and her baby. So she waited for him, her and her unborn child. On the island where she built a house for them to live in happily together.

Sadly enough, he never came. No one came for Martha. As the sadness of heartache and lost love ate away at Martha's heart, she cast a spell upon herself in agony that she would never feel the pain of losing someone, so she would never have to fall in love with anyone ever again. As the bitterness in her heart grew with time, her spell turned into a curse. A curse on any man who dared love a Grey woman.

The baby that Martha had, named Ella, was fated to lose the man she loved to the curse. Ella, lived a life with him, for as long as luck would let her, and gave her two beautiful girls; Jillian and Sophia. But she knew as the death beetle ticked for her husband's death, that their luck had run out and she would lose her love. Their mother couldn't bear losing the man she loved and so, along with him, she died. That's what brought the two girls, to live with the Aunts; Rosie and Elena.

Sophia was the youngest amongst the two sisters, she was very intelligent and independent and always followed rules, even those that weren't appointed to her. She had long dark brown hair and beautiful hazel brown eyes, she and her sister were the complete opposite in looks and demeanour but somehow were the exact same.

Jillian was the oldest and the free-spirited of the two. She always had a plan to explore the world and leave the small island. She had long red hair with bright green eyes. Though the Grey women were cursed with the demise of their true loves, they were blessed with their good looks and were envied by the other women in town.

As they lived with their Aunts; Elena and Rosie who raised them the best they could, in a house where they had chocolate cake for breakfast and bedtime or brushing their teeth didn't exist. But with all the sweets their Aunts tried to give them, came the sour of the people in the town.

It wasn't their fault that they were so wicked to the girls, they were ironically under the spell that these girls were bad. That witches were bad. They were never taught otherwise, the poor children were raised to believe that no good could come from the Grey Women.

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