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Red puffy eyes. Tears trailed down the length of her face, dripping from her chin onto the arm she had wrapped around her stomach, creating a pool of sadness. Hair unkept and clothes askew.


Pure pain. That was exactly what she was feeling. Her heart ripped and shred into a billion pieces, the remnants scattered all around her just to show her exactly what she missing.

A thousand bullets pierced through her skin, leaving scars in their wake. A million voices shouting in her brain, causing her eyes to clench shut and cover her ears, however unhelpful the action was.

She was hurt.


Her pupils wide from the amount of caffeine she had slurped down at the early hours of dawn, willing her eyes to stay awake. Her hands curled into small fists, ready to tear down anything and everything that came into her path.

Every emotion that she had bottled up was making a rise. Her mouth set in a stern, unmoving snarl.

She was angry.

She was a contradiction.

She didn't know what to feel.

But she didn't care.

Catching a glimpse of raven black hair, her heart clenched and her feet immediately scurried to the source.

"Hey you! Ria!" She was causing a scene but she didn't care.

She didn't care about much anymore.

The slender girl stopped shortly and turned to face her dead on.

"Yes?" Her tone of voice made her give out a cackle of dry laughter. Here she was, acting as if she didn't know her. As if she wasn't the reason that her best friend was dead.

"Don't act like you don't know why I'm here," Heather hissed, spit spraying from her words, her eyes enhancing an anger, an anger so pure and deep that Heather didn't even know if she could control it.

A flash of recognition passed over Ria's face but it was quickly masked by a face of indifference.

"Oh, you're Anya's friend, aren't you? I'm so sorry of what happened." It was funny that it almost sounded sincere to Heather's ears, but she knew better.

"Are you? And I'm sorry I didn't catch what you said. Anya was it? Or maybe you'd know her better as Slut?" Heather burst out unable to contain herself.

A crowd had formed around them, watching the interaction as if it was a reality show. Heather hated them. She detested them all, they were the ones who tormented Anya, these were the same sick people who told her to die. It sickened her.

And it sickened her to know she wasn't a better friend, that she didn't stop the teasing, that she didn't know how to stop it.

That she didn't think it affected Anya this much.

"You," She pointed her finger at Ria and then again around the crowd around them. "You are the reason that my best friend is dead," at this a sob escaped her lips. It hurt. It hurt so so much.

She looked over at Ria who was staring at her, wide eyes, fear radiating through her body, "You ruined her life because she slept with your boyfriend. You didn't even give her the time of day or even let her explain. She didn't know he was taken. He told her he was single! Did you even ask your boyfriend why he did that? If anyone is to blame, it's him. Do you know how guilty she felt after you told her he was taken? Did you ever think to even ask your boyfriend about this? Why label her but not him? I just can't-"

Heather took a moment to compose herself, angrily rubbing away the tears with her sleeve.

"I can't believe that even after she apologised you still made that video.I can't believe someone as disgusting as you exists. To shut someone down like that, to make them suffer so much they turn to death. I hate people like you. I hope you're happy. I hope you're happy knowing that you are the reason that my best friend is dead. Because you couldn't put the blame on the one who deserved it but instead decided to place it on Anya. "

Heather knew that she probably wasn't making any sense but that didn't stop her. Nothing could stop her.

"I bet you didn't even think for once that your boyfriend was to blame, no, instead you just go around calling people names. You're pathetic."

She turned her gaze to the crowd.

"And you, you're all sick." She spat, the words creating a strange taste on her tongue.

"Hey!-" Someone began to protest but they decided to quieten down as soon as Heather's raging eyes met theirs, daring them to carry on.

"You took the first opportunity to make someone feel inferior, to bring someone down. You heard that my best friend had slept with people and immediately call her names? Are you trying to tell me that none of you lot have ever had sex before. What went on between Ria and Anya was their business, you lot had no right to stick your noses in. My best friend could have slept with the entire male population but that still does not warrant you the right to make her life a living hell. What she does with her body is her business and her business only. She could sleep with anyone she wanted, she didn't need people with the likes of you to judge her for it. Your words drove my best friend to feel like she was worthless, you're all killers!"

She was becoming hysterical but she didn't care. She could see that some teachers were trying to push their way in through the crowd to try and calm the situation down but due to the intensity of people around her, this was proving to be a difficult task for them.

Looking Ria dead in the eye, she added a final sentence, one that she had been holding in for so long, "do you remember when you were twelve? When people used to make fun of you? Do you also remember the one girl who stood up for you and helped you through that? I hope you do, because that's the same girl who you killed with your words. How fucking ironic."

And with that, she fled.

Leaving Ria with a pit in her stomach, her actions finally registering in her brain, her body now numb, her eyes wide and realisation crossing over her mind.

Leaving the crowd with guilt. The kind that would eat at you for the rest of your life slowly, tearing you down with each second.

And Heather, Heather was somewhere sobbing her heart out for the loss of her best friend. Sobbing at the fact that she couldn't help her. Her loud cries echoing throughout the building and carrying on into the night.

She was sobbing because she knew it was the words that killed Anya, and that her own words were not going to bring her back.

I really enjoyed writing this story so thank you so so much for putting up with it and reading it!

Thanks again :)

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