H for Hell

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(dedicated to @decemberdays6, thank you for picking this book up and giving it a try, your comments literally make my day (not to mention all the fangirling too!))


"What do you say we ditch the next lesson and go somewhere more private?" My teeth graze over the shell of his ear as I whispher the words to him.

His chocolate brown eyes blink in surprise. He pauses for a moment as I lean away from him, licking my pink tinted lips in wicked invitation.

"I don't know about that," he mumbles, his eyes glancing back to the classroom which we should have entered precisely five minutes ago.

Placing a finger under his chin I turn his head so he's facing me.

"We're already late, might as well make it worth it," I utter, leaning slightly forward, aware that the low cut top I wore made my persuasion that much easier.

People wanted a slut.

So they got one.

"What do you say honey?" I trail my fingers across his chest, my hands making their way lower and lower.

It had been two weeks since the incident at the party but people still haven't let it go. I get called 'Slut' at least ten times a day.

I lean closer towards the boy, he was a nice guy who usually kept to himself. Placing soft kisses along his jaw, I mutter the words "I'll make it worth your time." His hands grip my waist to steady me, his fingers slightly trembling, his head jerking in a small nod.

And that's when I know he's putty in my hands.

We reach the backseat of his car in almost no time, our actions frenzied, in a haste to get inside the vehicle as quick as possible.

As soon as the door is open, I push him inside, causing him to fall, sprawled out against the seats. Grinning, I clamber inside, soon getting into a position at which I was straddling him.

Plowing my hands through his hair, I reach down to brush my lips against his, he makes no move to stop me so I press harder against his lips, my body softly rubbing against his.

The kiss is slow, like we had all the time in the world. My hands fisted around his collar, trying to pull him closer towards me. His hands grazing along the curve of my waist and settling on my hips.

When I pull away from the kiss, his hair looks disheveled, his eyes holding a crazy twinkle in them, all a further invitation  for me to carry on.

My hands fumble at the buttons on his shirt, pulling the fabric off his body one button at a time, as he jerks on the hem of my own blouse to get it over my head.

Once I was left in just my lacy bra, Matt smirked up at me and in one smooth movement had me on my back, a gasp emitting from my mouth from the sudden movement.

He was experienced.

His hands pinned my own above my head as his lips made their way down my neck and into the dip of my breasts. One of his hands softly trailed along my arm and made its way towards my back, unclipping my bra, the action coming to him almost as if it was second nature. His lips immediately latching onto the exposed skin, leaving me squirming as I was hit by lance after lance of ecstacy.

He was very experienced.


Maybe even good enough to make me forget everything that had been going on.


Alright, so I've never really written any sex scenes or scenes where characters get intimate (except for the first chapter of this story) so if this sucks ass then I'm sorry.

Comment your thoughts below :) And if you liked this chapter then please do vote!

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