U for Undesirable

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(Contains strong language)

(dedicated to @BiteTheMuffyn,whose username and profile picture I absolutely love, thank you so much for the comments!)


Walking through the busy corridoors of the school building reminded me just why I hated this place.

It was noisy and crowded. Even suffocating at times. The strong pointless chatter of people often leaving me with a throbbing headache by the end of the day.

But it was the one place where I felt safe.

I may not belong here, I may be the girl who doesn't get a second glance, the girl who seemed average in every way possible but that didn't matter to me. I had friends here, people who loved me.

To me, that meant the world.

My gaze lingered at the open classroom, my legs instantly making their way towards it.

That was, until a hard hand pushed me back, causing me to stumble slightly before regaining my balance and looking straight at the person who pushed me.

Before I could make a noise of protest, a harsh sound rung through my ears, the echo nearly deafening, almost causing my eyes to close. It was only the stinging sensation on my cheek that rendered me wide eyed and staring in shock at the raven haired beauty before me.

"You bitch," she hissed, her eyes narrowing, her every word leaking venom.

My own eyes narrowed in confusion as I tried to understand the purpose of the attack. I tilted my head, hacking through my brain, trying to remember the name of the girl who stood in front of me.

"You think you can just screw my boyfriend you pathetic fucking slut? Thinking I wouldn't find out?" The once noisy hallways was now dead silent as people hurried around us in a circle, no doubt wanting to see the commotion that was taking place. Fights weren't an uncommon occurrence at school, but by the way thr students milled around us you'd think they had never seen a dispute in their lives.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about," I whimper, my hand cradling my throbbing cheek, trying to ease the pain, vastly aware of all the eyes on us.

"Stop with the bullshit. I'm not stupid. My friends saw you go in that room with him at Ashley's party." Her expression was deadly, she looked ready for murder and frankly, it scared me.

"I - I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about," I stutter, the fear evident by the way my voice quivers. And by the crazy twinkle in her eye I can tell that she's caught on of my fear.

"Really? Then explain this." She sneers, shoving an iPhone into my face, but it's not the phone that she wants me to look at, it's the picture on the phone.

My mouth opens, and then closes again as I drink in the picture. The picture is dark but clear enough that you could see two figures locked in an intimate embrace. It was clear enough that you could see me pressed against a wall, a boy leaning into me, his lips on mine. I recognise the setting almost ìnstantly.

"T-that's your boyfriend?" I ask, my head trying to wrap around the fact that I kissed someones boyfriend.

Hell, I had slept with someone else's boyfriend.

"Don't act so surprised, fucking whore," her words were daggers, each stabbing straight into my heart.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even know-"

"Save it," she cut off my apology with a look. "Next time, open your legs for someone who isn't already in a relationship, or better yet, don't open your legs at all, who knows how many diseases you carry with you, wouldn't want anyone else to contract anything would you now? Sluts like you disgust me." With those words, she flounced off, leaving a large group of people staring at me, most in disgust, a few in shock and a rare one or two holding back an amused smile.

And just like that the one place where I felt safe became my very own personal hell.


Votes or comments on this chapter are appreciated. I Always love hearing other people's thoughts on my works :)

Thanks for reading!

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