Ch. 8 Art & Movie Dates pt. 1/2

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Riley's P.O.V

The kiss--the moment, The kiss--the moment, The kiss--the moment, THE KISS--THE MOMENT.

That's all I hear in my head now. The moment happened three days ago, monday, the kiss happened like last week friday. Today is THURSDAY. I should be over it--done but all I can think about is.

The moment--the kiss, The moment--the kiss, The moment--the kiss, THE MOMENT-- THE KISS!

Today at school Farkle and I both sort of avoided eachother until gym where Maya did something evil.

"Coach Kelly can the students who passed the last fitness test start the dancing portion of your lesson plan today?" Maya smiled.

Farkle and I both passed. She'll go boy/girl and Farkle and I will get picked--Minkus, Matthews. I looked at Maya murderously and she smirked. The thing about the dancing is the girls wear a red-school branded bralett that stops like five inches above your belly button and white shorts while the guys are fully dresses in their normal red shirt and gray shorts. Also--we'd be doing the Tango which means me Farkle would be pretty up close and personal. Not.what.we.need.

"If any passies would like to do that one the other side of the gym I'm ok with it. The rest of you let's do cardio before dodgeball. 50 squats, LET'S GO,GO,GO!"

Coach Kelly assigned us partners and sure enough me and Farkle were together. I asked if even though we were dancing, I could keep on my shirt but Coach Kelly says I'll be too hot and I might pass out. Being close to Farkle with half a shirt on? I'll pass out anyway.

I changed and Maya and Lucas volunteered to be instructors. Sweet pea, we're dead!

"Ok--everyone follow us." Lucas smiled mischeivously.

They started off with a simple, fairly spaced, cha-cha-cha and then a twirl. Everyone copied it and so did me and Farkle. He smiled at me and I got butterflies in my stomach. Maya smirked and them addressed the group smiling.

"Great. Now--this. Be proffesional now, no need to have a moment." Maya smiled.

"Uh-oh." Me and Farkle groaned at the same time.

Lucas twirled Maya and caught her in a way that when he drawed her to him, hugged her from behind, stroked her arm and they rocked in such a way that she might as well have been grinding on him. Then he twirled her again and dipped her, catching on of her legs in his hands to point it upwards. His hands are very close to her thighs. She stood up and nodded at Lucas but they were so close it looked like they kissed.

"Grinding", thighs and a "kiss". Evil son of a...ok, calm Riley. Farkle and I coppied the moves but when he pulled me in for the backward stroke I shivvered.

"Maybe we should tell, Coach Kelly that we would rather do dodgeball." I breathed.

"Maya and RangerRick would only find another way for us to have to be together. You know we have to talk sooner or later." Farkle whispered.

He twirled me, dipped me and his hand caught my thigh. Oh my gosh--The moment. He lifted me up and we were so close it took all my power not to lean in. The kiss--gah! The moment--the kiss, The moment-- THE KISS! The kiss--the moment, the kiss--THE MOMENT!

"I pick later." I mumbled.

"W-What happened to being Riley and Farkle. Now we're just Riley......and Farkle" He sighed.

His breath smells like lemons and spearmint. I'd move back but his hand is on my waist and...oh yeah, I don't want to.

"Nothing happened to them. I-It's just that everytime we talk we kiss or have a moment or something horribly amazing happens." I whispered.

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