Ch. 2 Operation: Break Sunshine

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Farkle's P.O.V

This Riley chick is hilarious. She's so innocent and corny, I'm gonna keep her around just for the heck of it. As for her Blonde friend, Maya, I don't think she likes me very much which is good because 'nice' isn't my forte so friends are a bad idea. In fact since she seems to hate me so much, I'll get to her through Riley, her precious little sunshine. That will also break Lucas and get him back for trying to threaten me earlier. When Riley agreed to be my partner Cowboy pulled me to the side of the room and got all up in my face.

"Listen Finkle, Riley and I have had an unofficial thing since the Middle School, so I suggests if your having any ideas, you lose them real quick." He threatened.

"Yeah right, she's cute, but I'm not interested. Oh, and ask yourself this, if you really like each other that much then why is it in three years you've established an unofficial relationship and within three minutes I had Riley starstruck? Besides, you know and I know you actually want Maya, but you're afraid to ask her out so you've forced yourself to like Riley." I threw right back pulling out of his grip.

"How'd you know about Maya?" He asked in a panicky way.

"I have a knack for reading people. You and Maya have that nickname thing, she has your name on the side of her notebook and you stare at her all the time. Also, your screen saver is of a campfire--classic sign that you like someone--and Riley sure isn't her." I explained causing his mouth to drop open.

The bell rang and I started walking away but Lucas just stayed there in the room, staring at nothing. Dumb jock. I went to my next class which happened to be art which Riley and that Zay kid we're in. Maya and Lucas were nowhere to be seen. I grabbed the seat next to Riley who was painting an awful purple cat.

"Hey Sunshine. 'Mind if I call you that?" I asked knowing the answer.

"No, but I like Riley better. Maya's in music by the way so if your trying to torment her some more you can stop." Riley mumbled.

"I'm not trying to torment her, it's just a bonus. Actually I'm here to get to know you."I smirked picking a pencil to start sketching.

"Oh. What do you want to know?" She asked putting down her paint brush.

"I don't know. Favorite color, favorite animal, hopes dreams, why on earth you'd want to make a purple cat...Hasn't anyone ever asked you this kind of stuff before?" I teased.

I'm still debating whether or not to actually play her, some girls are just too innocent to break. Next thing you know those eyes have you going silly and you do something dumb like fall in love.

"Not really, Lucas and I don't really talk, we just...say Hi, Hey, Howdy, Hi. And Peaches found those out over time. Apart from my hopes or dreams. No one really cares what Riley's up to, just what the Blonde beauty, The Cowboy, or The Comedian is doing." Riley said casually.

"Well, I wanna know who the heck Riley Matthews is. So shoot." I pushed starting to sketch something.

"Ok. My favorite color is sky-blue, it always has been. What's yours?" She asked.

"It changes alot but it's usualy black and something. Right now its black and orange."

"Nice. Well, my favorite animal isn't an animal at all. It's a planet that I claimed as a pet, Pluto. I always liked it even when they said it wasn't a planet anymore." Riley said flipping a page and started to sketch pluto.

"Awesome. Well I like Elephants....and Pitbulls."

"Yeah..ok, whats next?" Riley asked coloring in Pluto with an orange colored pencil.

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