The Silver Trees of Senaliesse

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The palace was a city, sprawling out into the trees above. Had Kal not directed them to the base of Senaliesse, Oriander would have never known she was under it. The heavy mist from the forest floor traveled upward so as to create a second canopy, blocking out the direct rays of the sun.

"We are here," he said, and the group stopped at the base of a grove of massive silver trees. "Stand close to me." As he said those words the ground rose up from underneath both Kal and Oriander and began taking them into the sky. 

Celestriun spread his wings and flew beside them as they rose higher. Past the canopy of leaves and into the low lying clouds. Inside the cool mist Oriander could begin to make out an outline of structures above her. The massive tree before them continued upward from the ground and grew together with other trees. Finally, she felt a hand pull her onto the hard surface of a road cutting between beautiful buildings.

They were paid no mind as the approached the largest building at the center of town. Oriander marveled at the diversity of fey creatures in this treetop civilization.

"Welcome to Senaliesse." Kal said to Oriander. "Home of Tiandra, the Summer Queen."

"This place is a marvel, yet, I do feel as if I have been here before."

Kal continued walking toward the citadel as he talked. "In a past life, and in a different world, it is here that you became the Dualist Soul."

"The Court of Stars voted to give the pixie another soul?"

"Not exactly," he said. "The Court of Stars is a collection of the Archfey and Demifey. They meet to discuss the welfare of the Feywild. The endowment of such a gift came directly from the Seldarine themselves."

Oriander nodded. Celestriun came to rest beside his companions. They stood looking up the grand staircase of the citadel. 

"Let me see if I understand our situation." Oriander said. "We are about to ask the highest Fey court permission to free a prisoner so that she can help us fend off a disaster that we can't tell them about?"

"Yes." Kal responded as he broke into laughter. "I have done this once before. Just follow my lead."

Star Scion: The Mortal Realms Trilogy, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now