Damian Wayne x reader

Start from the beginning

                                                        I walked over to Snow, she barked once and back flipped landing perfectly on her feet. I reached over and touched her, her fur is very soft and silky. Y/n smiled and rubbed Snow's head. "I can finish unpacking by myself Damian," she said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes, you did a lot for me today and I don't want to waste any more of your free time," she said. "Alright, I guess I'll be seeing you at dinner," I said and left Y/n's bedroom.

Y/n's pov

                                                         After unpacking I immediately headed to the kitchen with Snow following me. I found Grandfather starting already, I quickly washed my hands and helped him. Steak, pork chops, chicken, and salad are for dinner for the night. After helping Grandfather with that I started making dessert, mini custard pies with a hint of spiciness of jalapeño peppers.

                                                          Dinner was served, the pies cooled once dinner was over. I brought them out with a jug of milk, I think I added a bit too many jalapeños. Jason reached over to take one. "Careful, they're spicy," I said. "Oh please, I've been through worse," he said and bit into it.

                                                            Jason's face went bright red, I quickly poured a cup of milk and handed it to him, soon, his face returned to normal "it can't be that spicy," said Dick, he reached over to take one himself.

                                                             I sighed and poured more milk for him. Dick had the same reaction to the pie, sure it is custard pie but I really do think I added too many jalapeños. Tim too tried it but again, he too had the same reaction.

                                                            "What's the matter Demon? Scared?" Jason asked, Damian is the only one that didn't try the pie yet, Mr. Wayne left for the company, he said he had some urgent matter to take care of.

                                                               "How do people eat those pies?" asked Tim. "Normally they're not supposed to be that spicy but the fault is mine, I added too many jalapeños," I said. "Fine, I'll try it," Damian said and he grabbed the pie and bit into it. His face went pink but he seems fine since he didn't act like his older siblings.

                                                                 I poured some milk just in case, once he finished the pie he took a small sip of it. "Why don't you try it?" asked Jason. "You're the one who made it," I shrugged and took a piece.

                                                                   I bit into it, the creamy, delicious custard filled my mouth then I tasted the spiciness but I can handle it. I finished the pie without needing to drink milk. "How?" asked Jason. "I like spicy food," I said.

                                                                     Unfortunately, nobody wanted to eat the rest of the pie so I took it away and helped Grandfather wash the plates.

Damian's pov

                                                                       "God," said Jason. "Those pies are really spicy, I can still taste the spiciness," "same," Tim agreed.

                                                                         Y/n came in with a plate of cookies "perhaps these will help," she said "these are homemade cookies from my own mother's recipe," she added.

                                                                          I reached over and took one, the others watched me curiously, I then took a bit. that. is. the. best. cookie. I've. ever. tried. Y/n smiled at my expression, I didn't even realize I had an expression on my face. "I knew you would like it," she said with a smile.

~2 years later~

                                                                             It's been nearly 2 years since Y/n had come to the Wayne Manor and she's been a huge help around the Manor. Whenever Alfred wasn't around to cook or whatever she takes over, her cooking is excellent too. The desserts Y/n make is getting better than the custard pie ones, currently, Y/n and I are in the kitchen making cake for the Charity Ball tonight. Jason came in, he spotted the cake and reached over to pluck a small piece but Y/n got a towel and whipped him with it. "Nah uh Mr. Todd, this cake is for the Charity Ball," she said, Jason growled and left while rubbing his hand.

                                                                              I chuckled as I watched Jason leave. Just when I turned to face flour was thrown at my face. I wiped it off "oh it is on!" I said throwing some flour at Y/n, she squealed and threw some more back.

                                                                              A food war broke out but it wasn't much, just flour and nothing else. Y/n and I finally stopped what felt like hours, Y/n let out a breathless laugh, "we better clean up," she said, I looked around to see the kitchen is covered with flour, "yeah, I don't want Alfred to scold at us for doing this," I said.

                                                                               We started cleaning, we're gonna have to take a shower to get the flour off though.

Y/n's pov

                                                                               After cleaning the kitchen Damian and I just looked at each other "well that was fun," I said cheerfully "I agree," he said smiling at me.

                                                                                 He got closer to me. "What are you doing?" I asked with a giggle, he placed a hand on my waist. "Damian," I murmured, Damian leaned forward, I felt someone pushing me forward and our lips met.

                                                                                     The kiss tasted like flour. When we pulled away I looked behind me to see Snow, she's grown so much from that little puppy to a large husky, I smiled and gave her a head rub. Damian pulled me in for another kiss.

3rd person view

                                                                                     "You sure you're not going to pull them away?" asked Bruce smiling at Alfred "I am quite sure Master Bruce, I had a feeling Master Damian and Y/n would fall in love," the butler replied with a smile at his granddaughter.

                                                                                       Laughter was heard, Y/n had pulled away making Damian pout, she kissed his cheek and both walked away hand in hand with Snow close behind.

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