6 months Later

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6 months later

I'm still living with Hayes, I just sleep in the guest room, Ethan and I have been looking for house for 2 weeks  I'm now 6 months but Ethan and I decided to be surprised with the gender of the babies

Right I'm waiting on Hayes to get ready, cause he has to take me somewhere I'm not really sure where it is since he won't tell me

"Hayes hurry up" I yell

"I'm coming" he says coming down the stairs

" I'm pregnant, and you took longer then me " I say

He laughed


We've been driving for 3 1/2 hours and Hayes won't budge or tell where are we going

"We are here" he says parking

I look out the window "we're in a parking lot" I say

"Yeah, does it look familiar?" He asked getting out the car

"No, it looks like parking lot" I say

He open the door for me and helped me out

"What are we doing here?" I asked

"Look up" he says

I look up

"What do you see?" He asked

"Clouds, the sun, some birds" I say

"Look harder" he says

"What am I suspose to looking for" I asked

All sudden something landed behind me, I turn around to see a helicopter, and Spiderman comes running out

I was so much in shocked, I couldn't do anything

The helicopter lift back up and flies away

Spiderman takes off his mask and its Ethan

"What are you doing ?" I asked him

"You stole my heart wearing a spiderman suit, I'm just returning the favor" he says bending down on one knee

"Would make me the happiest spiderman ever and marry me ?" He asked

"Yes" I cried

He puts the finger on my ring Finger and pulls me into a passionate kiss

We pull away "why a empty parking lot ?" I asked

"Well, I long time ago there was a building right over, and 6 years ago you walk in there dress as a spiderman" he says

"Vidcon, why did they tear it down?" I asked

"Don't know" he says

"C'mon let's go home"  ethan says

We all get in Hayes's car and he drives us home


Hayes pulls into the house, that don't look familiar

"Where are we?" I asked the guys

"C'mon" Ethan says helping out the car, we walk up to the porch and Ethan opens the door with a key

We walk in and its dark, then the light flicked on

"SURPRISE!" Everybody yelled

I put my Hands over my mouth in complete and udder shock

"Congrats on getting engaged" Gracie hugged me

"You guys was in on this?" I asked

They nodded

"What is this place?" I asked

"This is our new home" Ethan says putting his arm around my shoulder

"Wait, you bought it?" I asked

"Here's your keys" he said giving me a key

"I Love You Too" I say

"What?" He says

"6 years ago, you told me you loved me, I didn't say it back cause I was scared, two relationships later I've never said to anyone until I knew it was the right person" I say

"Well, I Love You" he says pulling me into a Kiss


The End

The Last Chapter of Old Friend

Love,E 💞
Bye Fam

Old Friend ✑ EGDWhere stories live. Discover now