"everything is back to normal"

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The uber driver just pulled in front of my house, I'm telling one of the most awkward uber rides ever....

This uber driver was an older women, and she kept asking if us, if we're a couple, and after I told her I have an boyfriend, she insist that we're "friends with benefits" which didn't make me comfortable

Even Ethan kept telling her, we're just friends, but she wouldn't believe us, she start telling us, all her friends with benefits story, which really made me feel car sick

I hurry out the car and on to the lawn, and basically puked my guts out.

"You Okay?" Ethan say rubbing my back

"Yeah, just a little car sick" I say spitting

"Didn't use a condom?" The uber driver smirked

I'm seriously so done with her, I flicked her off, which wiped the smirk right off her face

"Come say it in my face" she says

"I think I'll do more then say it in your face" I walked over to her car

"Hey, No No, No" Ethan says holding me back

"She wants to fight a real women, let fight a real women" she says  trying to get out the car

"No, she's not fully sober, she's doesn't what talking about" Ethan says to the uber driver

"She's sober enough to talk shit" she says

"Seriously, leave before I call the police, and I know your driver licenses is expired, you really should hide your paperwork" Ethan says still holding me

" forget about the tip" she says getting in her car and driving away

"C'mon" Ethan say guiding me to the porch

Ethan knocks and we wait for someone, to open the door

I feel something coming...

Allison opened the door, I pushed her out the way, and ran to the bathroom by the kitchen, and puked in the toilet , I flushed the toilet and used some mouthwash and walked back by the front where Allison and Ethan stand

"Oh My God, Y/N?" Allison says

"Huh?" I say

She pulls me into a hug "not too hard I'm not that sober" I say

"Hayes is gonna be so happy, he was so worried" she says

"I think I'm gonna go" Ethan says

"No, stay" I say

"You sure?" He asked

"Yeah" I say

"I'll be right back" Allison says disappearing up the steps

Ethan and I sat down on couch, a few minutes pasted and Hayes and Allison come down

"Y/N?" He says

"Yeah" I say

He rushed over picking me up in a hug, he spinned me round, he set me back down

"Where were you all this time?" Hayes asked

We sat down and I explained what happen two days ago

"I went partying with chellie, and I only remember getting to the club and having drink, I don't remember anything after, the next day I woke up in Cameron's house, he said that he found me on the sidewalk drunk and pasted out, in a not so friendly neighborhood, then I went partying with Cameron, then I woke up at Ethan's place" I explained

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