Bills Bills Bills

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Special note at the
end of the chapter

Sunday Night


It's now 9:00 pm

And I'm running out Netflix movies and shows to watch, I get up from my bed I've been laying in all afternoon

I go into the kitchen and go into the freezer and grab an hot pocket and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes
And click start

Meanwhile my phone buzzed meaning I got an a text message

I grab my phone and I got an text message from Ethan

E- You should come to Gracie's Baby Shower

Y/N- The way she reacted to me coming over I don't think that's a good idea

E- I mean she is pregnant, her emotions is everywhere

Y/N- I still don't know

E- Please it'll be fun, You'll get to meet Gracie's friends, and play games and hangout with us

E- Please 🙏🙏🙏

Y/N- Alright, I'll go, When is it?

E- Yes, Wednesday

Y/N- What should I get her?

E- Don't get her diapers because everybody gonna give her that, Get Her something different, special

Y/N- Alright, Thank You

E- Welcome 😃

Then I just remember my hot pocket, I hurry to the microwave and opened, the cheese was oozing out of it

I grab it by the paper towel and set it on the counter to let it cool down

Then Max walks through the door

"Hey babe" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek

"Hi, How was work" I said

"Long" he said sitting on the couch

"I think you need to quit pizza hut it's not paying you enough" I said

"It's either money or no money" he said

"Yes, but you left at 6:00 in the morning and came back at 9:00 at night, $10 an hour is not gonna pay the bills that's flowing in" I said

"Why are you complaining" he asked

"The landlord is threatening to turn the lights or worst turn off the water" I said

"We are going to be fine" he said getting walking towards me

"You say that everyday, this is not safe for us to be living here, the paint on the ceiling is shipping off, the sink in kitchen is leaking nonstop, there's a green stain on the wall in the hallway" I said getting upset

"What am I suspose to do" he said getting angry

"Get a real job, walking dogs and delivering pizza is not helping" I said

"What about you, you change diapers for a living" he said

"Lindsay fired me" I said

"What" he said

"Jason burned his hand, While I wasn't paying attention" I said

"Your yelling at me, about my job and your fucking unemployed" he said

Old Friend ✑ EGDWhere stories live. Discover now