Chapter 1

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Hey guys! :D

This is my second creation and I really hope I get the facts right about college 'cause my story here is purely based on the info I get from movies that depicts college stuffs.

But if I get it wrong, then um, yeah, I don't know. I'm just saying crap here.

Well, enjoy!


"So, how are you holding up without me?" Josh asks, and I could just imagine him winking at me, with a tone almost sneering.

"I'm good." I lied.

I am doing anything but good. Ever since I step into the room and laid on the bed after driving all the way from home to here, I was instantly hit with homesick although I was just there 4 hours ago. I miss my room, my bed, Mum and Dad, my sisters and my boyfriend, Josh.

Josh and I did everything together. Just name it, we've done. Though we haven't went to the 3rd phase, if you know what I mean. We're going to wait 'till we're married for that. Back at home, we were inseparable. Like two ropes tied with a dead knot. You wouldn't see us without the other. But ever since I had to go college, everything changed. I lost my rock. I lost a part of me.

Although I did made some new friends and quite a number of them, I could never go to the extra mile to actually let them in my bubble. It was just too soon to let them in my world. Moreover, as selfish as I can be or you would call me, I want somebody that's willing to go through all the hassle to be a true friend. To be my true friend.

Not only to add salt to a wound, my room mate moved out to be with her boyfriend. I don't really mind, I guess. But I felt quite, envious of her that her boyfriend is just a bed away. But she leaving me all alone, makes me feel lonelier then ever. Every night, I have to sleep next to a vacant bed and it's quite torturous with my imaginative mind. I could sometimes picture that there's something there, staring at me while I sleep.

Eyes wide, hair dishevelled, sharp yellow teeth, torn clothes, long red nails...

A chill ran down my spine.

"So, our anniversary's coming up," Josh cites, clearly amped up. I could hear him smile.

Wait, it's already close to our anniversary?

I glance at my calendar on my wall across from me. 

Next week, exactly next week is the 21st. Our anniversary. We've been a couple since we were 15. So, this is our 3rd anniversary. But this is the first anniversary that we have to spend away from one another and I bet it is going to be hard.

"Yeah, I can't believe that it's next week." I state, with a slight frown, my tone almost disbelieving.

"Well, you better believe it, Mads, 'cause I have such an flipppin' awesome gift for you! I hope you have something in store for me," Josh responds, clearly expecting something equally amazing.

There he goes again with the Mads.

Yeah, it's a short form of my name, Madison. But can't he call me, Madison? I once told him to not call me Mads but all he could say was 'You're mine, I can call you whatever I want.' A response that you would get from a rich spoiled brat.

Don't get Josh wrong. He's a nice guy, it's just he comes out as intense and only a handful of people can handle him and that includes me. Even one of my elder sisters, Jordyn, couldn't put up with him.

"Don't worry, I'll get you something," I convince him but it rather sounds as if I was convincing myself.

I was totally preoccupied with school work, course work and projects that I completely disregard everything else. All I ever think about is school, school, school.

Guess I have to run to the store and figure something out.

"Okay, babe. I gotta go. I'll chat with you soon, okay?" Josh cites, before hanging up, before I could even say bye back.

Every time I get calls from my family or Josh, it gives me somewhat of a cure to my home sickness. The sickness chips away slowly, leaving me to feel much lighter on the shoulders. But when those calls ends, the sickness comes back, reconstructed with more intensity, burdening me more than ever. Leaving me craving for more time to hear their voice. Longing for those calls to never end.

That's why, I busy myself doing all the work to put my mind off from home.

All I need now is just someone to be my rock. Someone that'll just be there when I need them. I know these things take time but I just really need someone right now. And all I got now is just a pillow. A purple, cotton, soft pillow.

As the first tear escapes my eye, I grab hold of the pillow and drown all my sorrows away.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

OH MY GOSH. Who the heck is this?

You must understand, I am NOT a morning person. Only on the 25th of December I am.

Maybe if I fall asleep, it'll go away...

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I grunt. I stretched my sore limbs and slowly like a sloth roll of my bed, only to land on my back with a thud. With a lazy moan, I get up on my feet and run my fingers through my messy, wild, Medusa-like hair.

I make my way to the door only to be greeted by a tall, good looking guy with dirty blonde hair which resembles Josh's and exceptionally perfect cavity-free white teeth. A yellow duffel bag is slung over his shoulder.

Driven by pure grogginess, all I could do was cite out a 'huh?'

"You clearly had a late night out."

I furrow my brows. I did not had a late night out, okay? I mentally defended myself. 

I let out a long, exaggerated sigh, too lazy to explain.

"Or it's just that you're not a morning person?"

Bingo! Anybody has a prize for this lucky fellow 'cause he just guessed the right answer! I am not a morning person.

"Uhh, I'm so sorry for my hostility here but, um, who are you?" I manage to question, summoning all my strength, through a very annoyed tone that I couldn't shake off.

"I'm Zack and if you're Madison Simpson, I'm your new room mate."


Against All Oddsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें