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The year is 2025. Hover-cars are whizzing through the sky every day, the ancient roads used mostly for cruising nowadays. Deep space travel is nearly a possibility with the new technology developed. New jobs are made almost every day giving everybody a chance. The world of today is just another day in an easier life. There's only one fatal setback...

Crypt. A secret religion developed over the last few millenia. It was formed after the discovery of a text written by an ancient unknown Greek philosopher, "There is more than meets the eye to those who do not see its surface. Changes of all, surpass." A very unusual writing at that, many largely ignored it.

That Greek philosopher happened to be Cronos, the Greek titan god of time. His poem truly meant that everything changes and we must change with it, even if we do not see it or want it.

 In actuality, the Greek "gods" weren't gods at all. Merely immortal creatures of God's work. Humans only thought that way because of what the Olympians have done. Not everything is a myth. Crypt knew they weren't worshiping gods, but they thought the gods of the underworld were celestial humans. Humans, but more powerful. 

The underworld gods' habits grew on Crypt and from then, the religion was born. Crypt worked like a temple. You were introduced to the religion by age 3. From then, you worked your way through basics such as, prayer, rituals, and fasting until you were 21 years old. Then, you received your name through the naming ritual. Afterwards, you fulfilled your new name under the true bearer of that name. For example, when you meet Horkos, you'll notice he's named after an underworld god. Our character trains under the real Keeper of Oaths, a.k.a. Horkos.

If the real "god" ever died, his pupil became the next true bearer of his or her name, receive new powers, and the title. Then, they would receive their own student and the cycle continues. 

HEY WATTPAD LOVERS, WRITERS AND READERS! Maybe this introduction will give you some insight on the workings of Crypt. If you want to know anything Horkos' history or anything like that in particular, just ask. I'd be glad to explain. Sorry if it seems a little weird, I just wanted to make sure you guys understood my thought process with the "religion" of Crypt. 

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