Chapter 9: With the Enemy

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August 3, 2025; 0845 HRS

Somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains

"Follow us, Noah Barnes, you must follow. Come this way, no harm shall go to you. We must present ourselves to our Master." the voices continued repetitively, beckoning to Noah Barnes in a quiet, harsh whisper. Almost mindlessly, Noah followed close behind. The back of his head screaming to turn around, but he knew that if he did, he would hurt someone. Someone he loved, the young group was like his own kids to him. The voices were starting to gain figures, he couldn't tell if they were real or not but, they were there. From the blur in his vision, he made out two daemons. One of them had a green, scaly skin. It's tail was stubby and her head was spotted with two sharp horns. "I am Lazani." she said as her figure was clear to Noah. "And I am Tuledius." The next daemon said, his figure had finished forming a brown furred, bear cub like creature. Noah didn't know what they were, but he knew they weren't from Earth. Soon, the voices he thought were in his head were owned by the two creatures.

"What are you?" Noah asked groggily, his voice sounded different, deeper with a slight echo that sounded like a subterranean cavern. "We are your guides to Master." Lazani answered, walking straight through a tree as if it wasn't there. "Are you real and..." he tried to catch his breath for a moment. "Who is Master?" he asked. "We are real, just not in your world. In our world, we are many." Tuledius said. "And Master is the one who will bring you a new purpose and good fortune." Lazani paused. "If you abide by his command that is, but it seems you don't have a choice." she finished.

Noah nearly froze in fear, but he kept going. He couldn't find it in himself to stop, no matter how bad he wanted to. He tried to fight and stop. Something was controlling his actions, there was some kind of voiceless command that he couldn't refuse. "You shall meet Master soon, he is not far." Tuledius said and he and Lazani crawled up the charred wooden steps of a porch. It connected to a burnt down house only a few steps away. Noah still close behind. "What is this place?" Noah asked. 

They entered the destroyed house and went into the living room. Lazani opened a hatch in the living room floor, they all went in and descended through the mysterious halls. "The hidden entrance of Crypt." both answered, simultaneously. Lazani continued "You mustn't ask so many questions, all will be revealed to you in due time, new friend." Noah felt a sudden chill run through his spine, which he wasn't sure he had anymore. "What is the name of your Master?" He asked. "The Master is ours and yours, all three of us belong to him and he belongs to Hades, god of the underworld. Master is the Horkos, from Greek myth as you humans call it, he is the Keeper of Oaths. One who does not pay his debt shall become Master's slave." Lazani explained. Noah felt he had to stop, but he didn't have a choice. He had to keep following as he descended through the cave and notify the realization.  "I have no debts with this Horkos, why am I here?" Noah asked. "All in good time." Tuledius said. 

A long silence was forged between them as they traveled through the maze-like tunnels. "Well ,well, look what the daemons dragged in. The exact person I wanted to see." A voice boomed from a dimly lit opening. Noah knew who it would be, but he had a bad feeling about it. He and the daemons walked through the doorway to find a silhouette of a tall, bulky figure against a mountainous throne. "Hello Barnes." The figure got up, stepped into a light to reveal a robotic, sin-black suit with an unnatural yellow colored cloak. It was indeed Horkos. 

Noah glared at him and shouted. "Derek! You son of a--" 

"Be silent." Horkos yelled over him. "I believe you owe me a debt, old friend." he continued.  Noah stopped and pondered what he meant. "What debt could I possibly owe you. If anything, you owe me." 

"I've repaid all my debts to you. You still owe me something." Horkos growled. "I remember nothing." Noah answered. The two daemons, Lazani and Tuledius, stalked around them. As the argument grew, so did they. Horkos grew angrier and suddenly tore useless curtains to shreds. "You owe me the antidote to this affliction!" Noah grew impatient at this point "What happened was your fault! This is not my situation you over-sized primate." 

Horkos just laughed, "It's not just mine anymore, Rocky. You will be under my control until you find an antidote, and maybe then, will you see your little prodigies again."

"Don't you dare touch them, Derek!" Noah yelled and grabbed at his head. He felt like something was festering in his mind, he was blacking out. Horkos stood there before him "This universe will be mine, little pebble. People will understand and follow me. Even if I have to shoot them down, there will be control. Your heroes will die Noah. Your mind is mine now." Lazani and Tuledius growled and snarled as he blacked out. "Take him to the laboratory, Chiron will handle it from there." Horkos told them. The daemons obeyed and did as were told. 

HEY WATTPAD LOVERS, WRITERS, AND READERS! Man this chapter sucks. I don't know how else to rewrite because it's an important part. Ugh, I'm caught in a box here. 



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