Chapter 30: Escape

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The lights blinked on and off a couple more times. A flash of light zoomed through the room and following after it, a crack of thunder rattled the room. It caused beakers to fall from shelves and other lab instruments to fall from tables. A few of the scientists, including Side fell to the ground. You could hear fights breaking loose everywhere. Suspense filled my throat as I wondered if the others would find me in time. I tugged at the leather straps. "Guards, watch her. Side, inject the serum all ready." Horkos growled. He knew the Benefactors and Olympians were here. 

"Horkos." Came a voice from the front of the room. "Did Hades put you up to this?" Who was that?

Doctor Side became nervous and backed away. Zagreus took a threatening step towards Side with his gun pointed directly at him. "Inject it or you'll have the mark of a traitor and a coward. Courteous of the Keres." 

Side's fear was replaced by his fear of Keres, therefore he stepped up to me with the syringe. 

"Why would he put me up to anything, Zeus?" Horkos growled.

"A good number of reasons." The character named Zeus laughed. 

I held my breath, struggling against the straps. Since I was no longer in the neutralizing bonds, my powers starting fluctuating. I didn't know what I was doing, but I felt energy building up everywhere around me the more I moved. The temperature of the room seemed to be rising, the energy produced winds. Random objects flew around the room in a vortex. I exhaled, releasing the momentum. The straps broke from friction and kinetic energy. The vortex blew out in every direction like a sphere, making items impact wherever their velocity ranged. I can control the energy I create, cool. I thought as I stepped off the chair, a bit dazed. 

Guards and scientists had taken cover in various places, but I had to get out of there. "Thanks for a distraction." I yelled at the guy I assumed was Zeus and over to Chief. At least he wasn't wearing a toga, what he was wearing was slightly more military. He was full-blown armor clad, with a lightning bolt branded into his helmet. "You're welcome?" He yelled back to me, crushing the hilt of his sword into Horkos' armored skull. Didn't even know I was there, I thought. I broke the lock to Chief's cell and ran to Chiron's cell to break the lock. "Guards, get her back!" Horkos screeched, his voice resonating through the filling halls. Chiron looked me dead in the eye and said, "Run."

I hesitated, "I'll get out of here with Noah." Chiron reassured me. Nodding, I sprinted out of the laboratory. With precision, I slipped past the groups all fighting with each other. To tell the difference, the Crypts had an acuate armor of yellow and black, all of metal. Each suit congruent to another. The Olympians had shields of all shapes and sizes.Javelins and spears, short swords and surprisingly, even guns, were used. I jumped over a pair of fighters, clashing their shields together. Trying to determine who would make it out of that fight. 

In a few short seconds, I found who I was looking for. My friends. "Guys!" I said joyfully as I caught up to them. "Natasha!" They said in unison, wide-eyed. They stood in a circle, facing whichever direction they turned.  "Welcome back." Athena smiled. She took a straight face and gave us a few words. "I found something of your's." Athena said, handing me my Naginata. "How'd you find it?" I asked her. She only smiled, then, digressed the subject. "I need you four to fight bravely. We're at war with Crypt."

I turned and watched my friends run in different directions. Keeping with their pace, I super-sped to the first Crypt I laid my eyes on. "Hey guys?" I started. "Yeah?" they asked, each response seconds apart. "You know, we never gave each other alter-egos." I finished, kneeing the guy in the gut with enough momentum to blow past the armor. "Why would you want to do this now?" Syth asked, exasperatedly, then throwing an fiery blast into the path of one of her attackers. They were gaining on us, but I couldn't help but think about the alter-egos.

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