Chapter 3: The Day of the Trial

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July 18, 2025; 1235 HRS

             Loyls Courtroom              

"Order in the court!" shouted the judge as he hit his gabble against the desk. Looking around the courtroom, I noticed the two suspects that had survived the arrest nearly a month ago. 

Let's take a second to describe Judge Parker. He wasn't the best judge around, but he was sure as heck affordable and fair in his cases. He was in his late 60's, well near retirement age. His hair went down a few inches below the ear and it was as white as snow. Parker had round glasses perched upon his nose and he hunched over his desk like Scrooge over his window. There was even a rumor that he had Alzheimer's, but there was never anything to show for it except those oddball days he didn't know what was going on. 

Judge Parker nodded his head. "Very well...Thank you..." he looked down at his papers. "...Officer Rokette." His voiced quieted as he whispered to himself, although, his whispers could be heard. "Attempted bombing... shooting at an officer... DOA..." I clenched up a bit as he said 'shooting at an officer'. Thankfully my arm wasn't in a cast anymore, but it was still sore enough for me to need to take frequent breaks.

With the bombing, it turns out that instead of stealing the money, they tried to burn it all. Being the main banking system of our town, it would've spelled disaster. What was their motive to do so? They wouldn't confess. 

"We have three witnesses from last month's event, am I correct?" asked Judge Parker. Officer Syth Margia acknowledged "Yes sir. Officer Shayer, Rokette and I are all witnesses, your honor. 

I took a look at the suspects again, one of them was tall and skinny with wiry, blond hair. He was known as Elijah Thompson. The second suspect was a husky man with black hair, with tattoos covering both his arms. He was known as Dave Razer. I looked back to see Judge Parker lifting a few sheets of paper.

"Mr. Elijah Thompson and Mr. Dave Razer. You two are found guilty of attempted bombing and aggravated battery on an officer. How do you plea?"

"Guilty." Rang out the voices of the suspects, simultaneously, loud and clear. They had spoken as if with great pride. Eyes lit with shock all over the courtroom, they admitted so easily. What kind of catch do those two have? Shouts started lifting all over the courtroom 

"What kind of thing would give them pride for what they did. They tried to burn my money!" 

"I bet they feel bad enough lay off 'em!" 

"They should feel bad, you bloke."

The bangs of the gabble pounded higher than the shouts, like a beating drum out of rhythm. "Order in the court! Order in the court!" The courtroom's shouts died down to a few whispers. "Evidence and witnesses both hold an account that you both are guilty, I'm sorry for your friend, boys." Judge Parker's eyes softened for merely a second before his stern expression came to. The suspects nodded, I could've sworn I saw the glint of a tear fall from Thompson's eyes. Maybe the death of their friend opened their eyes... at least a little bit. 

 "What does the jury have to say about these two?" Judge Parker ranged his voice and it sounded loudly, even to the back of the courtroom. "Guilty!" rang like a chorus from the band of chosen jury members. "Then I claim that you two boys will have a sentence of 15 years in jail for attempted bombing and battery on an officer, with a chance of parole in 5 years." The suspects shouted "Commend Crypt!" as they were escorted from the room. "Let's get out of here." I said and basically dragged the arms of Thomas Shayer and Syth Margia after me.

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