Jake pulled the car into park and opened the door before I had even opened my mouth. So I smiled and said, "I'll see you tomorrow morning for school."

"I'm not letting you go," Jake said, snaking his hand down my arm and capturing my hand.

"I'm not going anywhere," I said.

"Last time you said that, you ended up in Italy," he reminded me softly.

"On accident!" I protested.

I don't know what he saw or heard or felt or thought, but Jake's face softened. He took me into his arms. "We're not finished talking, Annie. Something happened that you're not telling me about."

He was right, of course. There were so many things I wanted to tell him about. I wanted to tell him about my talk with Bella and Italy and the cars Alice had stolen and the leech who had been able to torture me just by looking at me, but every time I thought back to the events, I felt nothing but fear. What would they do to me if they found out I wasn't dead like Alice said?

"No today, Annie," Jake said quietly. "We can talk about it in a few days." I just nodded and stepped out of his arms.

Dad was sitting at the kitchen table, his hands folded before him. "Jacob can leave," he called rudely. Great; I was going to die.

Jake's hold on my hand tightened. "You have to go, Jake," I whispered. My father wasn't going to just allow Jake to stay.

"I smell leech," he growled.

"It's probably just Edward; I have to go get yelled at," I said, pushing him towards the door. I probably would've made more progress shoving against the house walls. Jake just looked down at me, a half smirk on his face and one eyebrow cocked. "Go wait in my room or something," I begged. He nodded.

Jake walked out and started the car, driving away and parking down the road before coming in through my window. I finally joined my dad in the kitchen.

"So, L.A. huh?" he asked. I just looked at him in confusion. "Your sister, who's upstairs still asleep, explained that Edward thought she killed herself. Alice called to say they told you they were going to Seattle and asked you to go along. She swears you didn't know."

"I didn't, Dad," I swore.

He stared at me. "Half grounding for a month," he said. "You are here or in La Push, no friends, no parties. You do school, homework, and chores." I nodded. "I'm going to Sue's. You stay at this house until I get back. Clear?" I nodded. "Your sister is grounded until further notice. Lock down." I just nodded...again.

My dad had always threatened me with lock down, but I had never been bad enough for the actual punishment. Bella was going to be stuck at home, work, or school. No going out; no visitors after dinner. Was it wrong that I wanted to jump with glee? 

"Be safe, Beans," he said. As I walked with him to the door, he pulled me in. "And do me a favor and be here when I get back?" I smiled and nodded again.

I couldn't help myself as I walked up the stairs. I opened Bella's door to peek in, but a warm arm pulled me away. 

"You're not going in there," the husky voice growled. I shivered against him.

"I was just going to check on my sister," I replied.

"Bella chose the parasite, Annie; he can take care of her," Jake replied. Before I even realized what he was doing, my feet were off the ground and I was being carried back to my room. "Your sister is not our concern." I rolled my eyes as he tossed me on my bed. Sarah tingled lightly from the window.

The Consequences {Jacob Black} Where stories live. Discover now