Venom Heart

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Adelene was a woman with rusty brown hair and dull blue eyes. Her makeup was done layer by layer every day, and she spent hours picking out an outfit from her massive closet. In the early morning she would take her limousine to the Beauté store downtown and model for five hours. Elliot had made a mistake by picking her over Chloe because of her looks.

Because in the inside, she was ugly.

Every second of the day. A phone call or text demanding why he hasn't texted back in ten minutes. Asking if he was with another girl. Getting upset when she saw him talking to another woman. Even if it was just his sister.

Chloe had been cold in the beginning. Selfish, bratty, cared too much about herself to think about him. But after being with him for some time, she changed. Her harsh personality softened around Elliot. She lit up when she saw him and remembered all their minor anniversaries. Most of them she made up herself - an anniversary for when they first met, when they first fell in love, their first date, and their first kissed. It was a little over the top,

But he thought it was cute.

And now it was gone, because he ruined it. "Love is important, you know," Chloe had once told him. "Love is all around us and when we don't get affection from others, we feel invisible. That's why it's important to never break a heart." Her words haunted him since he had broken up with her to be with Adelene.

He had heard that she'd finally accomplished becoming a lawyer. He had also heard that she had brought down the cold weather after he had scarred her. At that time, he didn't care. But now he knew what Adelene was like, and now he suddenly wanted to go back in time to be with her again.

But it was too late, she had said when he finally gathered the courage to finally come face to face with her. He could never have her back. Maybe that's why he was so mad. He was mad at himself. He would get back Chloe no matter how much the effort would take. He would get her back.

"What a beautiful yet frustrating story," he heard a voice say in his head. "You will never retrieve the love of your life without me to help you."

"Who are you!" Elliot shouted. "What do you want?"

"I am Hawkmoth, and you are now Venom Heart. I will help you get back your love in exchange for two Miraculous - a set of earrings and a metal ring, do you understand me?"

Elliot did understand this time. He understood every word. "Yes, Hawkmoth. Yes, I do."


"Thank you," Marinette said as she turned the doorknob. "I appreciate your help today very much."

"Oh, no worries," replied Dr. Le Roux. She stood at the entrance with her beat up clipboard held tightly in her arms.

"What were you writing on your paper anyways?" Adrien gave her a questioning look.

"Oh this?" The doctor held up her clipboard proudly, showing off a complex mandala. "Zentangling helps me focus."

The couple gave each other a side glance with a tint of annoyance in their eyes. "Well, thank you," Marinette repeated. They gave each other a light hug and the two left the room.

Suddenly as they rounded the corner to the lobby, an ear-splitting scream was heard and a bellow of anger cracked a window nearby. Marinette yelped. "Tikki!" she shouted. The little kwami came shooting out of her purse and could see that Plagg had come out, too.

"We have to transform," Adrien said, looking around for somewhere to hide. He rushed into the men's bathroom and Marinette locked herself into the janitor's closet. A rush of magic tickled the air and Ladybug and Chat Noir came running out.

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