"Clear!" A man said near Annabelle. She glared as he pushed passed her. Grant caught his arm and glared at the man. Than he let go and he walked off.

"Clear!" Another man said. Rick and Grant nodded at each other.

"Alright, secure the roof. Sweep for shooters so we can bring in our aviation assets. Going to the roof." Rick told the men. Than he looked at the suicide Group, "Wait here. please, I don't wanna gave this dude a heart attack okay?" He said and Grant looked at Annabelle. he wasn't sure if he should bring her or leave her.

"I promise." She said smiling at her boyfriend. Harley hooked her arm with Annabelle's and smiled at Grant. Grant didn't like Harley at all, she was a bad influence on his little angel. So he glared at Harley and Annabelle knew he was protective but this was a little possessive. She has never seen this before.

"I think he's embarrassed of us." He rolled his eyes at Harleys word and him and Rick went inside. Floyd went in as well, without them knowing.

Harley and Annabelle sat together talking about the memory in a whisper tone. "So exactly why did you want me to see that?" Annabelle asked and Harley shrugged.

"I want'ed to know if ya could see it. Plus what ya said in the elevator. It got me thinkin, but I can't just leave my puddin." She generally looked sad.

"Alright. If you ever need anything, just say my name Three times and I shall either appear or I will be in your head. I mean it. I'll be there for you." Annabelle said with a smile. Harley squealed and hugged her hard. She stumbled a little but she hugged her back.

When they pulled away Grant, Rick, and Floyd came out with the person everyone hates. Everybody hates Amanda.

"No fuckin way." Boomerang said.

"Let's go home." Amanda said and everyone glared at her.

"Ya let's go home." Diablo said in a angry manner. Annabelle glared hard at the women. She hated her for what she did. Amanda wasn't exactly winning Boss of the month award. "That sounds good. You guys wanna go home? Or you wanna go back to prison?" Diablo wasn't happy and Annabelle thought he was going to explode here.

"I'm not going back to prison." Annabelle said and Grant gave her a look but she was sick of this whole criminal thing. Yes she killed people but she was sick of being treated like shit because of it.

"What I'm saying is...We kill the pair of 'em now before they kill us." Boomarange said and it wasn't bat shit crazy. Annabelle and everyone circled around her. Amanda glared right back at everyone.

Rick was about to speak but Amanda spoke before he could, " I got this." She said and turned to face everyone. "You all made it this far. Don't get high- spirited on me and ruin a good thing." Than she pushed passed everyone.

Killer croc smiled, "I like her." He said and Annabelle rolled her eyes. She wasn't to found with the fact that he was a killing machine and he liked Amanda. She shuttered and shook it off. She didn't want that image in her head.

She sighed as she followed the group. But Grant pulled her back. "What the hell was that Annabelle?" He wasn't happy about the way they talked to Amanda. But more angry at Anna.

"You know exactly what that was Grant. I hate living like this. I can't be with you because of this. I do love you and I want to be with you, but me being in prison for the rest of my life is something I don't want to do." She felt her eyes begin to sting. "Grant I want a family and we can't do that if i'm still a criminal. Maybe you should just move on. Find someone better than me." She felt a tear fall from her eye. Grant was shocked but upset.

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