Chapter 15

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Well after we all got food and everything we all headed to Jett's house to have a sleep over and little Amy got to join us.

"Jett i swear if you don't stop cussing in front of her i'm going to cut out your tongue.!" said Josh glaring at Jett.

"Sorry man." he said.

"Rosey?" Amy whisphered.

"Yes little bug?" i asked.

"Let's play a game on the boys.!" she said smiling.

"Okay little bug go tell all the girls and ill make a plan." i said getting up and going into the kitchen.

Soon one by one they came and Anna grabbed something under the sink.

"What is it?" asked Fay.

"Water balloons duh." said Anna.

It took us about 15 minutes to full them all up.

"Now lets all go to the back yard and ill hide Amy." i said.

"But how do you know if they come back here?" asked Hannah.

"Because once we get in position ill scream." i said.

I took Amy to the tree house.

"Okay Amy stay here and don't leave until someone comes and gets you and if you see any boys throw it at them, okay?" i asked.

"Okawy and can you turn the light on?" she asked.

"Yes, but i got to go be brave my little bug." i said hugging her.

i stood up and climbed down the latter and went in position.

"AHHHHHHH HELP MEEEEE!" I screamed and we waitied.

Anna was hiding in the trees with Fay and Sarah and Hannah was in the brushes.

"ROSE WHERE ARE YOU?!" yelled Josh running out of the house with the boys.

"FIRE!" i yelled and we all threw a balloon at the boys soaking them.

All the girls started laughing and the boy just seemed angry.

"Oh y'all are going to get it, boys lets get them." Josh said while smrinking at me while running towards me.

i turned around and ran as fast as i could and hide behind a tree.

"Rosemary come out, because you know i'm going to find you!"yelled Josh as he started to go farther away from me to the point where i couldn't see him anymore.

i walked out slowly heading back towards the tree house. All of a sudden i was pushed up against a tree.

"Caught ya." Josh whisphered in my ear and it left me breathless.

"How did you?" i started to ask.

"I saw your foot when i was walking." he said casually.

"Man i was so close to winning." i said and started to pout.

Josh started to push my hair behind my ear and i realized how close he was to me, if i took a step forward our lip would touch.

I looked at his eye but his eye was looking at my lips, so i took the chance.

i step forward and kissed him, He picked me up and pushed me up against the tree with our hips and lips locked to each other.

i started to remember about Amy, so i slid down till my feet hit the ground and flipped him.

Then i ran to where she was.

"Get back here!" yelledJosh chasing after me.

"Not a chance!" i yelled behind my back.

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