Chapter 12

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Previously on Chapter 11

I looked if front of me and saw Gorge with a gun.

"Rosemary its time to say goodbye to the person I know you love, now come here." Gorge said.

I slowly walked to him once I was in grabbing range he turned me around to look at Josh.

He placed the gun to my temple.

"Rose I'm so-."


Josh's POV

Its been 6 months since the incident. It happened so fast, I didn't know what to do.

If only Kaylee or whatever her name was didn't kiss me, Rose would have never been upset and ran from me.

I looked at her waiting for her to move and open her beautiful eyes and hear her sweet voice.

"Rose please open your eyes." I asked as my voice cracked.


"NO! ROSE! NO! please don't go. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I love you too." I said as my tears begin to fall once more.

"Sir you need to leave, NOW!" Said someone yelling at me but I didn't.

So they pushed me out of the room.

Why, why didn't I push her behind me?


"Rose stop look!" I yelled and she looked up.

Gorge was holding a gun pointing to her, No I can't lose her.

"Rosemary its time to say goodbye to the person I know you love, now come here." Gorge said.

Rose slowly walked to him once she was in grabbing range he turned her around to look at me.

He placed the gun to her temple.

"Rose I'm so-" I was cut off because Ryan tackled Gorge from behind and was fighting for the gun I ran towards them and picked up Rose.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded her head and as soon as she looked at Gorge and Ryan a gun shot went off.

But they was still fighting and soon Ryan got the gun and shot Gorge in both his legs.

"J-Jos-sh." I heard Rose stuttered.

I looked over at her and saw blood coming out of her stomach.

Rose legs buckled and I caught her before she hit the ground.

"Rose stay with me." I said while started to apply pressure on the wound.

"I love you Joshua." She said as she started to close her eyes.

"Rose you got to keep your eyes open!" Yelled Ryan.

No less then 10 minutes the ambulance came and took Rose to the hospital and Gorge went to a secured prison.

"Sir you need to leave!" Yelled the doctor but I wouldn't leave her side.

I was dragged out of the room and put into the waiting room.

What have i done, i should have put her behind me as soon as i got her. 

"Josh, what happen?" i looked up to see everyone looking at me in worry.

Everyone looked tired and worn out just like me.

"T-the line wen-nt dead." i whispered.

all the girls starting cry except Fay, she just stared at me in anger.

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