Chapter 4

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Rose POV

I wake up in a dark room and I try to sit up but there's something holding me down. Oh please tell me he didn't chain me up again.


"Please let me go I won't tell anybody that you done this is me....PLEASE!" I scream as he thrust into me harder and harder each time causing me more pain.

"If you don't shut the fuck up." he said as he stopped and pulled out of me.

"PLEASE, just let me go." I said with tears pouring down my face.


"I. Said. SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he yelled and I cried even more.

Gorge left the room and not a second later return with chains.

"OH, PLEASE, DON'T. I BEG OF YOU!" I yelled at him. He smacked me across my mouth and started to chain me up. 

"NOW, since you don't know when to, SHUT THE FUCK UP, I will continue to have my fun everyday, until you know not to speak or sob, do you understand BITCH!" he yelled and got in my face.

I nodded my head, I was stuck like that for 2 weeks.


I tried get out of it, but it soon loosened and I took my chance to run.

"Rosemary..?" I heard someone mumble and I stop and turn around to see who it was.

"Y-y-yes?" I stutter, awaiting to see who was in the bed.

A light turns on, it only blinded me for a second and then I stood in shock.


"What are you doing it's the middle of the night?" he asked in a tired voice then yawned 

"Why am I here? what happened?" I asked trying to stay calm about the situation.

"Well.. you see....that umm." he started to say then he just started to look me up and down. I saw sorrow, pity, and lust? in his eyes and I couldn't take it.

So I ran to his bathroom and hid until he knocked on the door.

"Rosemary, please open up I-i'm sorry." he said with nervousness.

I got up and slowly opened the door for him. Once I did I could see his eight pack and his hazel eyes, but the color was gone which made me frown.

"Why am I here?" I asked again and await on the answer.

"OK, Rose my friends and I was smoking outside and we were just talking." he paused for a brief moment, then continued.

"I was dared to go ask the girl coming up the street for her number, But once I did I seen that it was you and, you-u ummm had bruises, cuts, and you was bleeding. Then you passed out, well actually blacked out I brought you into my room where me and my aunt Sue cleaned and bandage your wounds." he said then rubbing the back of his neck.

"why did you help me?" I asked

He stared at me for awhile then changed the subject.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

Now that I think about it I was hungry, but I wasn't going to forget bout my question.

"Yes I am." I said and ignoring eye contact with him.

I walk out of the room and down the stairs, I looked around a little and see the kitchen. I walked in and started cooking like a usually do in the morning.

 Once I was done I made a plate for Josh and me and set it on the kitchen table and as soon as I sat down. I saw Henry Cloud, Max Jackson, Jett Jackson, And Garret Wilson.

They was all staring at me wide eye. Then Josh came down and looked at me with lust again, but why i'm ugly I have scares and bruises, I am broken.

"STOP STAREING AT HER!" Josh yelled which scared me I looked down at my food.

"Josh, dude your scaring her." I heard someone whisper

I just continued to eat my food and once I was done I put my plate in the sink and washed it.

"Rosemary?" I heard someone say. I felt the tears come to my eyes, so I ran up stairs and ran into the room I woke up in and into the bathroom.

I cried I need to leave and go back to my prison he will kill me. I got back on my feet opened the door and see Josh sitting on his bed looking at me in worry.

"i need my clothes now I have to go." I said looking through his room.

"WHAT, your not leaving." he said getting angry.

"Yes I am, I have to or he will track me down and kill me! I have to go back." I said


It hurt, it hurt what he said and what he said was true. No one will care if I die so what's the point of living. I striped and changed right in front of him I didn't care because I knew once I get home i'll be dead  on spot. I walked down the stairs and  out the door, the guys from earlier was still there and they looked at me with pity, and sorrow.

I walked back the way I came and wound up at my door, my prison door. I opened the door and closed it behind me quietly. I started going up the stairs and into my room there was chains and knifes waiting for me. So I went and sat on my bed and waited on him to come and kill me.

"SO, the little bitch came back, well your never leaving this house again!" he said, but I showed no emotion because i'm going to die any ways.

"DID YOU HEAR ME BITCH!" Gorge yelled and walked over to me and then punched me.

He ripped my clothes off and chained me up. Gorged picked up a big knife and put it to my stomach he started to cut it open, but not so deep where it could kill me.

"AHHAHAHHHAH." I screamed in pain.

"GOOOOOOOOOD." He said in satisfaction of my screams of pain.

It continued for hours he cut my arms, legs, my inter thighs, near my boobs, and on my back. No one will want me with all my scars.

"LET ME SEE HER!" I hear someone yell I was falling asleep trying to keep my eyes open.

"I'M CALLING THE POLICE I KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO HER!" I heard the voice again, but soon the darkness took over me.


I woke up with something hitting me over and over again, but I didn't care soon i'll be in heaven.

"YOU. STUPID. LITTLE. GIRL. DON'T THINK I'M LETTING YOU GO SO EASALY. I'LL BE BACK TO GET YOU AND YOU'LL WILL NEVER LEAVE!" I heard Gorge say and then I heard the foot steps fade away.

It felt like hours has passed and I kept waking up and going back to sleep over and over again. Until I heard sirens, and bangs at the door.

"OPEN UP,WE HAVE A WARENT!" I heard the police say.


I listened as the they broke down the door, and the person I saw first was Josh I saw his face and it killed me. My eyes became droopy as I tried to stay awake.

"No NO Rosemary, please wake up keep your eyes open." he begged.

My eyes were closed, I smiled " Aren't you happy i'll died and no one will care or even notice i'm gone." I said before I fell into the darkness once more. 

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