I Enjoy Long Drives Home

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      After we danced we said goodnight to my family and I took him home.

      There was a comfortable silence in my car by the time we had pulled up to his house, both of us lost in our own thoughts.

"Did you have fun Xan?"

"Nicknames now huh? Well to be honest it wasn't the worst experience; but you should know I hate weddings."  He said dryly.

This is what I get for kidnapping people I don't know I suppose.

"Sorry about that." I said sheepishly.
"On another note though, I just wanna say thank you for coming and putting up with me and my family. I had a really good time tonight and I'm glad I met you tonight. Weddings aren't so fun alone."

He stared at me quietly with his brows furrowed in thought.

"Tonight was...nice. and you're so ridiculous I even had a laugh."

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Sir I've had enough of your attitude." I said jokingly

He rolled his eyes.

"Get out of my car and show your family that you're still alive" I laughed.

I looked over at him to see a slightly bittersweet smile on his face before he looked at me with a very serious expression and said: "Fine then Casper the friendly ghost"

Just like that I stopped laughing and glared at him.

"Who told you?"

"Aspen" he snickered.

"I'm gonna kill her. That's not sticking. Nope. Never again. I've never even seen the movie and I hate it."

Now he had the audacity to be laughing his head off. So I did what any rational person would do and I punched him in the arm and glared.

"Aww come on Casper is a cute name, and it suits you. Although I must say, there is certainly nothing ghostly about your punches."

He rubbed his arm where I punched him.

"I'm gonna get you back for this Xander. I swear." I continued to glare while he continued to laugh.

Finally he seemed to calm down. He looked at me amusedly and leaned in closer to me. I was transfixed by his eyes, but this much eye contact always made me nervous, and when I was nervous I suddenly became even more awkward.

I turned my eyes to look at the clock on the dash and realized I should probably go when I felt a quick peck on my cheek and then air was where he had been. He grabbed his stuff as I stared at him in shock heat rushing to my face.

"Bye Cas, see you around." And with that he was out of my car and gone.

I couldn't get it out of my head as I drove home. He kissed my cheek. MY cheek. But I probably wouldn't see him again. Even if I did what would I say? What would I do? What if he asked me out!?

I scoffed at that, now that's funny. What would my dating profile even be?

'Hi I'm Caspen 19 years old, never had time for a boyfriend so I'm new to the whole idea. I'm to busy trying to help take care of my family so I will probably still never have time for dates or a boyfriend. I enjoy long drives home by myself and ice cream to drown my pain. Oh and i also talk to myself out loud'

I shuddered yeah let's keep all that between me, myself, and I. The truth was I barely even had time to maintain a relationship with my one and only friend.

I pulled up to my house and turned off the engine. I sighed, the fantasy was fun but it was over time to face reality. He'd be a wonderful daydream though.
The next day I woke up to the sound of my little brother and sister fighting, and thankfully the smell of pancakes.

I roll out of my bed and let my self fall to the floor. Fighting gravity this early in the morning is so not a thing.

I flip over and stare at my ceiling rembering all the things I had to do this week.

1. Do your laundry for the week.
2. Contact Sam about trip.
3. Pick up Ry every day this week.
4. Drive to check on grandpa, it's my turn this week.
5. Visit Anna

I'm hungry I'll write the rest out later. Visually seeing what I had to do meant I'd make less mistakes and feel less overwhelmed.

With that thought in mind I rolled over and found my sweatpants, and my favorite oversized tee.

After pulling them on I finally made myself get up off the floor. It was gonna be a long week and today was my only rest day until the next weekend.

I padded down to the kitchen only to have to dodge a plate of pancakes, ah mornings.

"Hey guys that was wasteful! Go clean it up. And can you please stop yelling it's to early."

Apparently my mom hadn't been making pancakes but these two losers were and that's what they had been fighting about.

"But Caspen I said I just wanted a plain pancake and she put blueberries in mine. When I pointed it out to her she threw the pancakes at me! It's not my fault."

I looked at my brother James and then I looked over at my sister Thames. Her face was flushed and guilty looking. It was no secret that Tay had a temper but she didn't usually try to assult people with food.

"Jamie man the stove you're in charge of the pancakes for now. Tay clean up the mess and then come with me."

While they were doing as they were told I went to the fridge and got a glass of milk. While I waited for Tay to finish it gave me a moment to wake up and think about how crazy my weekend was and how crazy this up coming week would be.

Of course I also couldn't help but think of Xander. I wonder how he's doing.

"Ok Cas I'm done." Tay said somberly.

That snapped me out of my thoughts and with that I set my glass down and headed outside; it was the only place people in the house didn't go in the morning.

"Tay I know it's not like you to randomly throw things at your family. What's up?"

She looked at me with reluctance and brimming emotions in her eyes. Suddenly she burst into tears and leaned into me.

"Why can't I control my temper! I almost hurt Jamie and he doesn't like me because of it and my grades suck..."

It went on like that for a while. The funny thing about Tay is that she felt things very deeply, but she always repressed them until it all spilled out of her. After she finished I had a soaked shoulder and a spent little sister.

"I know things feel very rough right now darling and I'm sorry you're so beat up about it. Thing is though that you're family. So Jamie and anyone else in this family, except for maybe Aspen, will always forgive you for throwing things at them. Please don't make that a habit though."

She chuckled at that and looked at me.

"I feel better now Cas, thank you. I just need to eat and relax for a bit"

"For sure. You know I'm here for you whenever, let's go eat now."

This was basically the beginning of my week. If this was any indication of how it was going to go it was going to be crazier than usual. Lord help me.

Another chapter bites the dust!
Longest chapter I've written yet. Wooohoo!
Does it suck? Probably. Is it edited? Not really but it's out. 12/25/16

Till next time

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