This Is Tad Copper

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"Hello Aunt Marie, thank you for coming to the wedding, this is my date Tad Cooper."

By now I was saying it without laughing my head off, but the grin was stuck on my face every time I said it.

"Oh dear! You have a date!? I thought you said last time that you were to busy for a boyfriend?"

I gritted my teeth and smiled.

"Aunt Marie, I am to busy to have a boyfriend. Tad is a friend of mine who took pity on me so I wouldn't be dateless tonight. Although speaking of dates, where is Uncle Niles?"

With that she mumbled something about him being sick and huffed away from me. About time. I swear every time I saw her she always gave me a headache.

I looked at Tad and saw how well he was doing. He had taken to the role of greeter like a duck to water. His smile was polite and I could tell a little forced but he was kind to every one. I really did appreciate his company. It felt...right.
Time speed by quickly and before I knew it we were walking down the aisle and watching them get married.

Before we went to the reception I turned to My date and asked if he was up for the reception or if he needed to go home.

"Well I was promised free food. I think if I don't get any it might count as kidnapping rather than a bribe."

I grinned and we started walking towards my car.

Once we were settled in the car I asked if we could play a game.

"What game?"

"20 questions, we get 3 passes if we don't want to answer the question. Otherwise you have to answer honestly. Sound good?"

"Sure" he sighed. "I'll go first." He hesitated for a second thinking.

"How old are you?"

"19. How old are you?"

He smirked "21 kiddo."

"Shut up you over grown man-child."

"Well if you're so mature why did you use 'shut up' as a comeback?"


"What's your favorite color?"

"Red-Orange. Yours?"

"Purple. Favorite band?"

"Simple Plan. Favorite animal?"

"Hawks. Yours?"

"Bears. Favorite childhood memory?"

"There was this one time when my dad and I...I'll pass. What is your favorite kind of weather?"

"Hmm...rainy winter days. The air is crisp, clear, and the smell is amazing. What is your favorite- oh wait we're here. I guess I'll save that question for later. You ready?"

He seemed lost again, like he was stuck in the past. I'm guessing it's about his dad. When he doesn't respond I reach out and touch his hand.

"You ready Tad?" I said with a small smile.

He nodded and with that we got out of the car and went into the reception.


After lots of dancing they decided that the last song would be a slow song. She had danced with the groomsman, her father,  her sister, and the bridesmaids; but she had yet to dance with her date. She had tried but he had either refused or been eating darn him.

With these things in mind and seeing that he finally wasn't eating and just standing there looking at his phone I walked up to him in my teal dress and held out my hand.

"Will you please dance with me. It's the last song and then we can go. Alright?"

"Look, I'm not looking for a girlfriend so whatever you're up to don't get your hopes up."

I cocked my head to the side and furrowed my brows in thought. Well that came out of no where.

"I don't remember asking you to be my boyfriend. When did that happen? I just remember introducing you as my friend. I didn't know you'd be so conceited though, maybe I should rethink this."

I watched him start to squirm a little bit and smirked. I held my hand out again and he bashfully took it and followed me out to the dance floor.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled. "It's been a long day and I just don't know what to make of all this." He sounded about as tired as he looked poor man. I held him close wrapping my arms around his waist and he rested his chin on the top of my head. We danced in silence, slowly swaying back and forth, until he decided to break it one last time.


Forgetting that his chin was resting on mine I pulled away, bumping my head and his chin as I did, and looked at him.

"That's your name?" I couldn't have stopped the grin on my face even if I wanted too. He nodded with a small smile on his face before I relaxed back into him for the rest of the song.

"It's a lovely name."

The song they slow danced to is up top. In the media section. I'm in love with that song and feel that it fits them so well. Ekkk.
Btw I have 4 views on this thing and a rank of 262 in general fiction!!!!!
I don't know who my readers are but thank you so much for the reads!
Well on that note you know what to do.

See ya

P.s. If you wanna know why he's called Tad Cooper you're gonna have to either watch the show Galavant or stick around long enough to read them watching it. Lol.

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