He cup my face again, reclaiming my mouth with his.

His hand moves down my behind, cupping it and lifting me to him.  I cross my legs behind him.  He moves us closer to the bed and slowly lowered me down. He laid me back, pressing his hard body against my soft one. I can hear my quiet moans filled the room.

"Babe,  your family is here, they may hear us."  I whispered in between breathes.

"Then you better be quiet."  He murmured, lifting his face from that space between my breasts.


My eyes blink open as the morning sunlight filters in the window, and the first thing I notice is that I'm ravenously hungry.

Why am I always hungry? Oh wait! I am pregnant, that's why!

I haven't felt like that for several days, and I think it's safe to say that the nausea and barfing is gone for now. The second thing I notice is that I'm hot because RJ's body is practically wrapped around me.

The third thing I notice is that I have to pee, really bad, so I manage to wriggle out of RJ's firm grip and head to the bathroom. When I'm finished, I pad back into the bedroom and take a moment to watch him sleep.

After I escaped his clutches, he rolled onto his back and his head is turned my way. His face looks so peaceful, almost boyish in his sleep. His right arms that is showing off his big bicep is thrown over his head and his other arm rests casually over his stomach. The sheets are pulled down to his waist and my fingers itch to get at him.

I quickly but silently creep back into bed so as not to wake him up. Moving in as close to him as I can get without touching, I reach out and carefully pull the edge of the sheet up from his waist, taking a good look at his body.  His ever sexy body.

I wonder if I touch the muscles on his abs, will he wake up? 

"Are you done staring at my underwear?" RJ says loudly, and I yelp in fright, practically scrambling backward off the bed as I pull the duvet to cover me.

He's lying there, grinning at me from ear to ear, while I press my hand to my chest in an attempt to forestall the heart attack that was almost imminent. "You scared the hell out of me babe!"

"Sorry that was too easy to pass up," he says and laughs. "You were looking at me so intently, I knew it wouldn't take much to startle you."

The realization that he just busted me staring at his body brings a flood of embarrassment all of a sudden. 

"Come here," RJ murmurs, and pulls the sheet back.

I lie down next to him, leaning my head on his arms.

"I am not looking at your underwear."

"Oh yeah?  From my point of view,  I think you are."

"Nope,  just counting how many packs you have on your abs."

"I think I have eight."

"Only eight?"  I teased.

"Yeah, sorry.  Would you still like me though?"

"Yeah,  I think I can live with that.  I'll keep you."  I chided, giving him a kiss on his jaw.

Falling For You In Cape MayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora