Gabe:"He's not..."

Before I could even finish Simon had already walked out my front door. With Ethan hot on his tail. What the hell was wrong with him? I looked over to Josh and Vik before they faced me and Hamas.

Gabe:"Hamas could you please go next door to everyone and I'll call everyone over when dinner is ready?"

Hamas:"Are you sure mate? Sounds like you could use some back up."


Hamas:"Yeah alright. I'll see you later."

After he left, Josh took a seat on the stool in front of me. While Vik tried to leave as well before I stopped him.

Gabe:"You two need to tell me right now what the fuck is going on. Is this a matter of life or death?"


Gabe:"Does this affect every single one of us. That includes your friends and Hamas?"


Gabe:"Is this a SideMen only issue?"

Vik:"Not anymore."

Gabe:"Right then you guys need to tell me what's going on. Because I refuse to go back into that house while your all there if it involves myself. Or if you boys are going to become hostile towards me."

Josh:"We aren't going to become hostile towards you. Simon's just scared."

Gabe:"You don't scream out at the top of your lungs if your just scared Joshua."

I watched him flinch slightly when I used his full name. I don't think him having such a distinct reaction was necessary but whatever.

Josh:"We have a feeling Simon might be liking a new guy."

Gabe:"Why would that mean yelling in my house?"

Vik:"Because he's scared he's doing Brett an injustice in moving on."

Gabe:"Because he isn't being faithful to him after he has died?"

Josh:"Something like that. We are trying to tell him that having these new feelings are a good thing. And that it's helping him move on. But he doesn't want to believe us. In fact he won't."

Vik:"He was really snappy at you Gabe. Have you met that guy before?"

Gabe:"Hamas? No. I'd never seen him before tonight."

Josh:"Then why did he say you will jump to defend your boyfriend?"

Simon's POV

Fucking Gabrielle. Fucking Hamas whatever his name is fuck those two.Thinking I'll just be a normal person and stay out of it what the hell is wrong with them?

Ethan:"Simon mate calm down and talk to me."

Simon:"Who the fuck does he think he is?"

Ethan:"Simon relax. There is no way Gabe could have even known about him."

Simon:"That's not the point Ethan."

Ethan:"Well then fucking tell me what the point is."


I turned around to see Tobi coming out to us. It had gotten a bit cold and I think I'd rather be inside with Gabe but I don't have much of a choice right now. The fucking ass hole already made his intentions clear.

Tobi:"What the hell happened over there? We could hear you and Josh yelling from home."

Ethan:"Simon is upset with Gabe."

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