Part Five

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Chapter Five

Theo looked at Tom his solicitor and shook his head, "you're telling me that I HAVE to let Melody go home to Sadie? Really?"

Tom groaned, his face pained, "I'm sorry but until she's done something wrong she's the's your words against hers."

"Something wrong? My word..." He jumped to his feet and started to pace as words failed him, hating the feeling of nausea rising in his throat, fighting the red mist of anger clouding his eyes he turned back to his friend. "She wasn't there when I was supposed to take Melody home, she was drunk...She is unfit to look after Melody."

Nodding Tom leaned forward, "I'm sorry Theo, you know that, and so do I. but this is a game, if you do anything to challenge her, try and take Melody away...then you'll jeopardise any chance of getting custody of her in the future. If you're vigilant...we can get her, but we've got to do this the right way...the official way."

Theo ran an exasperated hand through his hair, there was no winning today. Whilst he wanted to upturn the desk, punch something, Tom was an old friend, and none of it was his fault.

"Vigilant?" He snarled through gritted teeth. "You mean sit and wait until she fucks up? Watch as my daughter is neglected or abandoned? Give her enough rope to hang herself..."

Tom sighed, they'd been through a lot together, and he knew that he didn't trust anyone as much as this man, "I've got more court orders than you can through a stick at, honestly. The slightest slip and we're there."

He paced a little more, deep breathing trying to stay calm, trying to be rational.

"Will you do everything?"

Tom nodded, "I'll get the paperwork ready, when she fucks up there'll be no waiting, we'll get her immediately. For good."

Theo sighed, "I just hope that this isn't a decision that will see Melody hurt. Shit."

It was the best he could expect, but it didn't make Theo feel any better, the thought of leaving his darling daughter in the sole custody of Sadie filled him with dread. But he just had to ride out the next few days, that was all it would take, and he was the king of vigilance, when it came to his little girl anyway.

As he climbed into his truck, his mobile rang.


"Theo, it's Daniel."

He sighed, "hey Dan, what's up?" His brother was a calming influence he always knew the right thing to do.

"Nothing much, I'm just heading to DC for a couple of days, business...sorry it's short notice."

Theo relaxed into his seat for a moment, "why are you apologising? Make the most of it."

He could hear Daniel sigh, "it's Granddad, he's...I don't know...low. I'm just hoping you can keep a check on him, I mean I know that you've got issues with Sadie. But I am worried about him."

Theo fought to hide a groan, "I saw him last week. He was quiet...but he's ok isn't he?"

Daniel gave a half laugh, "you know Mansell, he's cool...I just worry that he doesn't tell me what he's really thinking. Promise me you'll call him?"

"No problem, every other day at least, promise. Have a great trip."

Groaning Daniel offered, "it's work, doubt I'll see much but the inside of the hotel. But there are worse jobs. You need any help with the 'Sadie' issue?"

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