Chapter 6- The Seductress & The Sleeping Beauty

Start from the beginning

Snehal; ''Zubin... I have warned you...just stay away...''

Zubin; ''Just one date honey and I will take you to a height you will never forget...''

Before Snehal could utter a word....came Raima's warning; ''Forget about the height you are planning to take Snehal......think about the ditch I can push you into....and it will be dark...very dark''

Zubin gulped .....the Studio was dead silent...Snehal would have smiled in normal circumstances but her eyes never moved from Raima....Snehal's POV; ''OMG I was right....she is trying to play and use Arjun's feelings.....God help something....Rini is losing herself....please God....I can't stop her....Sam isn't there and Badi ma... I can't tell her....what should I do.....this feels wrong....''

Snehal's thoughts were broken by Raima's voice; ''Snehal....go is waiting for you''

Snehal replied in a low voice; ''I won't go without you''

Raima walked to her and patted her cheek speaking softly in a whisper ; ''Please baby....Sam is alone...for me''

Snehal felt trapped , her eyes started filling up...she looked straight into Raima's eyes ; ''You need me more.....don't do aren't this Rini''

Raima gave her a painful smile and pecked her forehead; ''I am all this and worse....go I will be home in 2-3 hrs'' Snehal had no option but to leave...Raima closed her eyes once to leave Rini behind ....she spoke in a strong voice ; ''All Arjun in''

Arjun walked inside...he was dressed in a torn faded jeans gelled properly ...and his torso covered with a robe.....his eyes searched for Raima and when he met her eyes....he gave her a warm smile...which she returned with a smirk...Arjun was being explained the theme for the first shoot....the makeup group removed the robe and sprayed his bare torso face and hair with water...the tiny droplets settled on his tanned body him a hot look....once they moved... Raima moved her gaze all across Arjun giving him an appreciating look....and he started posing for the shoot... Raima's POV ; ''Arjun had I been old Rini...I would have drooled over that smile and look of yours....but now I am Raima...and nothing affects me....specially a good looking rich male...but you will go out from here losing your heart to me....I will make sure '' Even during the breaks their eyes never left each other...difference was Arjun lost his heart and Raima was doing all intentionally. inside the car....and leaned on the seat closing her eyes.....she didn't knew what should be done....the driver who had been working with the family for long looked at Snehal through the mirror; ''Anything wrong kid''

Snehal smiled; ''Baba tell me....if you know a storm is coming and will blow everything in its way specially the people you love...what should be done''

Driver laughed; ''Then step into the middle of the storm and destroy the core.....but it might mean destroying yourself too''

Snehal; ''I am not scared of that....but how do I reach the core''

Driver; ''Don't worry....relax and think....time and God will open doors for you'' Snehal nodded and looked out....her POV; 'Sam you need to wake up ....this storm started with you and will end with your interference ...''


It was the second round of photo shoot.....Arjun was dressed in a complete black 3 piece suit....Raima thought a moment and looked at Zubin; ''Zubin....make this one Black & White highlighting the contrast the most....and Arjun I would request if you give a little dark expression....just against your personality'' Arjun nodded and Zubin gave a thumbs up...she was a genius in every sense....Raima 's mobile started buzzing she saw the ID and walked out.... It was Snehal 's father Brijesh; ''Yes Kaka...all fine....Is mom-dad Ok''

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