Chapter 3- Darkness...

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Sam was still fighting the dark....she was fighting with all her might...somehow she felt...Raima was in pain...and was calling her with her heart...but Sam wasn't able to reach her...Sam POV; ' Rini is in pain....this time I won't fail you....I will stand by you come what may...' Sam's mind again took her to a memory....they were 15 that time Samrat came back from work all happy he called for his wife Rakhi and 2 daughters.....Sam came and sat next to Rakhi hugging her and Raima hugged her dad from behind....Samrat smiled; ''Good news for my princesses both got admission in top Ivy school in both are going...''

Raima squealed; ''London yippee.....Dad I am so happy....Sammy it would be fun''

Sam kept quite...her feelings for Nitin had been growing they had started meeting secretly...she dint wanted to leave...she spoke slowly; ''Dad...I won't go.....I want to be here with you and mom''

Raima; ''Sammy have you lost it....who gets such an opportunity....and you won't be alone...we will be together''

Sam started crying...she felt helpless not able to explain....Samrat couldn't see his delicate daughter crying; ''Hey baby...its ok if you don't want to go....but can you stay without Rini''

Sam replied wiping her tears; ''Rini too can stay....I don't want her to go''

Raima responded in a strong voice; ''No I won't....if you can't accompany me to keep my dream...then hell with you''

Samrat; ''Rini...check your anger before its too late''

Raima smiled; ''Dad ask your delicate darling to keep a check on her emotions and day she will drown in her own tears''

Sam wiped her face looking down....Rahki hugged her; ''Rini...sometimes you are down right rude''

Raima; ''May be Mom...but what I said was true....if she keep on going being all delicate and day someone will crush her heart and she will never be able to fight...''

Raima walked off all angry.....Samart just rubbed his temple...and looked at Sam; ''Rini has never spend a day without you....may be this is why she is angry...give her time''

Sam smiled and followed Raima....who was lying on the bed completely covered with her quilt....Sam went and threw her body over Raima....Raima screamed; ''Get your fat butt of me this instant''

Sam; ''Rini.....scream as much as you want I won't get up till you accept are not mad at me''

Raima got up and sat facing Sam; ''Spit it out....why are you so reluctant to leave .....what's stopping you''

Sam looked away; ''I can't stay without Mom and dad''

Raima; ''and you can without me.....Sam what are you hiding...''

Sam smiled; ''I am not hiding anything stop being a detective....and living without you...we aren't 2 we are one Rini''

Raima smirked; ''Fine...don't tell me...One day I will find it out''

Sam threw her arms around Raima pushing her to bed....Sam pecked her cheek; ''you known Rini even if I drown in my own tears....I know you will bring me will fight till you get me back...I trust you will never leave me''

CrossRoads.....Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ