Chapter 5 - Selina's Test

Start from the beginning

Bumblebee: Phew! We made it!

Selina: We finally made it up the mountain path.

Bumblebee: Opps, this was the second one. We must have went too far.

Selina: Are you kidding me right now Bumblebee?!

All of a sudden, rocks began dropping down from the sides of the mountain straight towards us. I lost my grip on the boulder I was holding on to and me and Bumblebee were both hit by rocks. The both of us plummeted down and we splashed right into a lake. Good thing the tablets are water proof. The tablet floated in the water as Bumblebee's hologram stood on top of it. I sprang my head up from the water and brought the both if us to dry land.

Bumblebbee: Cold, cold, cold, cold! If my armour shrinks I'm going to be so ticked off!

As I looked back and took a look at the lake, I heard the sound of rushing water. I looked up to see a huge waterfall. Light aqua blue liquid like substance was splashing into the lake. And that's when I realzed.

Selina: Bumblebee look! Its the waterfall!

Bumblebee: No kidding.


I filled up the bottle with the energon and me and Bumblebee quickly hurried back to the old Cybertronian who waited for us back at the path.

Selina: Here you go. Drink up.

???: Oh thank you.

The Cybertronian took the bottle and drank the energon down. The energon made him so filled up with energy that he literally jumped into the air and front flipped, landing on his feet. Then there was a huge puff of smoke and the old Cybertronian revealed to be, Vector Prime.

Vector Prime: That's better.

Bumblebee: Hey I know you!

Selina: I can't believe it! Your Vector Prime!

Vector Prime: You have a pure heart which allows you to be willing to help others in need. I dare say it, but it looks like you may have a chance to be one of the new soldiers.

Selina: Whoa really?

Bumblebee: Aw stop your making me blush!

Selina: I think I get it now. This was my test wasn't it?

Vector Prime: I am sorry but no it is not. Your test begins right, now!

Vector Prime raised his sword like staff into the air and it glowed with a blinding light. Blue shots of energon shot out of the ground around me, Bumblebee, and Vector Prime.

Selina: Energon?!

Bumblebee: I don't like the looks of this.

A huge wave of energon surfed over the path, picking me up and pushing me around like a rag doll being dragged around by a small child. Next thing I knew a metallic platform appeared below me, and carried me out of the energon and it hovered just above the energon lake. I quickly stood up and examined the area before me. A huge metal square platform hovered in the middle of the lake indicating that, that platform would be where a battle would take place. Four waterfalls of energon poured out at all corners of the newly made energon spring. The sky however wasn't blue, but a shade of black with stars twinkling and shooting stars soaring by.

There was a small laughter as Vector Prime emerged from a small green oval like portal. He had a white, purple, and gold armour plating, purple optics, and a light blue colour scheme for his face.

Vector Prime: Well my little castaways, in order to pass my test, you must defeat my warrior.

Out of the energon lake sprang up a metallic humanoid like being. It had a pink and black armoured plating and it had purple optics and a blue face plate just like Vector Prime. That's when I realized it was a she. A very familiar she. She landed on a metallic platform on the other side of the battlefield in front of Vector.

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