4: Escaped

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It's been a week since my little act, the lab was turned back to normal but the loss of a dear colleague and friend could still be felt. I admit, I quite enjoyed Jackson's presence. He was a good man, I was having second thoughts on killing him. Who would dare kill an innocent man such as him?

I sure didn't, at first of course. When he suspected me, I thought to myself I wouldn't care. However, I then realized what would happen if he were to expose me. I'd go to prison, I could deal with that. What I couldn't deal with, was loosing my Emma and the rush of killing others.

I can't breathe the air this earth provides me, knowing I could loose my dear Swan and no longer feeling the rush of death in my hands. The taste of blood, the feeling of a man's life held by a string and I am the one to cut it with my teeth. Oh, how I've missed it already. A week, that's all I could handle. No, it's all I can handle. I need blood, I need to feel a man struggling to live between my hands. I want it, I want it, I want it!

Alone, in our room. Emma at work, and I stuck within the confines of our own home. I wasn't locked in, I just didn't see a reason to get off my ass until now. She still believes I need my rest, but that's far from what I need. I need the rush of death. I looked at the clocking, it reading 6:27pm. Is she doing double shifts or just staying longer? Is she out? She better not be at some club. Where is she? I must know!

I abruptly stopped, my train of thought at a screeching halt. I merely laughed at myself, "I look at me..." I smiled, "Here I am thinking on leaving my own home to kill yet I am more concerned if my Swan is in safe hands." I mentally smacked myself, why wouldn't she be safe? If she can handle a man like me she can handle anyone.

I stood up from bed, opening our closet. It was divided, one half belonging to Emma the other mine. I kept all my toys in a safe place, something I built.

When Emma and I were an official couple living in this wonderful condo, it was her day for work and my day off. Using my time, I decided to build myself a safe. Cutting a hole into the wall, and putting a safe there. The safe would be hidden behind a neat pile of my boxers and shirts on one of the shelves. If Emma were to look through my closet, she absolutely hated the idea of just looking at my boxers. If was as if boxers was her greatest fear. Throw a clean pair at her she'll avoid it and burn it like the plague.

I moved my neat pile of clothes aside, and grinned finding my safe still untouched, and clean. I punched in the code, and being the sucker I was the password was 5 4 5 5 4 2 6. With the successful sound of a ding, the door popped open.

Regina was correct on some parts, the guns the killer owned did come in a two. What she didn't know, was I had many pairs of those guns. I must thank Mr. Gold, my dear dealer. I will punish him for revealing the killer's weapon came in twos, but I will spare him for not telling her he didn't manufacture dozens of them as well as kept my identity as a secret.

In my safe, we're various black and white guns of the same. Not only that, but a small bottle of chloroform and some leather gloves. A lighter, to mark my prey and burn their skin to form a beautiful sword. At the very back, and for my pleasure, a crowbar. I have not killed in a week, I suppose a crowbar would suffice. Now satisfied I took my two guns, the gloves, a lighter, the crowbar, and a knife from the kitchen.


It was late, roughly seven thirty. I didn't have my phone on me, nothing valuable for that matter. One day, someday I will indeed have a victim that will put up a fight that could ruin me. They will die, but they might die with evidence. They could've picked my wallet as I strangled them, my watch, my phone. Anything that will always have my prints on them. So, I made a plan that has work's me wonders for the past five years.

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