I: B.P.P.D

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This chapter has been posted early in celebration of my 300th follower; multifandomuser12
Congratulations, and enjoy this early extra update!

Present Day...

"Come on guys, what we got? Any blood, something stolen? A murder?" I spoke to my colleagues once the came back from a crime scene to report to me. "Home invasion, love. Someone broke into 34 Gold Avenue last night, from what neighbours claimed to be at four in the morning. Most valuables were stolen such as jewelry, and mobile devices. The TV and larger items of value stayed. A neighbour, a World War II survivor was able to shed some light. Shot a 44 magnum at our robber and got his leg. He still escaped, but there's blood at the scene." I heard a voice from behind me, and I turned around to face my boyfriend.

"Killian, I told you. You're on another case, this ones to the newbies." I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "Is this Magic Thief seriously that hard to solve?" Him and I have been together since I joined the police force. Well, we aren't really a known police force. Our department deals with minor as well as major crimes that the local police hand to us. If it's a case they know they can't solve, they make us do it. Nowadays the police were getting lazy, handing every single case down to us. Robbery with obvious evidence? Us. Failed break-in and the robber must be arrested? Us.

Our department is only for serial killers that are still out there, and other law breakers regular police can't catch. It's as if we lost our real purpose, forced to do cases that aren't even ours. Speaking of law breakers police can't catch, my dear boyfriend officer Killian Jones is qualified to be at my level, a detective. He refuses to take the name, and he stuck with officer. Typical Killian, but I love him.

He was given the job to catch and arrest the well-known thief of Boston, the Magic Thief. This thief has been under our department's skin for two whole years, Killian is sick of it. Every time he finds evidence and brings it to our station, the next day it's all gone. It pisses him off, and just to annoy him a bit more I keep asking him why he catch catch some common thief. His arguments always end with; This is not some common thief! This is someone who can walk into our bloody station, take and destroy the evidence, and without us knowing!

"Oi, Swan we've been through this. Catching the Magic Thief is hard bloody work!" He confronted me, "Why don't you try it for once? I'm sure your case isn't easy either! Satan's Swordsman? Pfft! Easy as pie!" Easy? He thinks catching Satan's Swordsman is easy?! How can I catch him when he leaves no evidence behind! We don't even know if Satan's Swordsman is a man! We just say that because he or she usually to always kills young women under twenty seven!

"I can't believe you! The Swordsman is not an easy catch! Your case might leave evidence but destroys it, mine doesn't leave evidence at all! We don't even know if it's a guy!" I complained and pulled my tablet from my desk, waving it to his face. I opened to a page meant for notes of my case. "You see this! This is all I know about the killer!" He pointed out, "Emma darling, that's a blank page..."

"Exactly!" I yelled out, "I have nothing on this guy! He has no pattern, no evidence, and there is no weapon! It's like he uses his bare hands to kill these people even though each kill is obviously executed with like a damn kitchen knife!" I huffed, my little rant taking the air out of me. He doesn't know, he doesn't know what it's like to catch someone with no evidence! He's after someone who does leave evidence behind, but is able to destroy it even when it's within station walls. If this person was more of someone with the police and did some good, great job. This person's got skill, but it's against the law.

Killian sighed, his thumb and index finger against his head between his eyes, "Alright look, we both have cases to deal with that in our own eyes are difficult. You and I don't know what we each are going through on these cases so I'll shut up. Deal?" He smiled, patting my shoulder and pulling me into his gentle, loving hugs. Me, being the loving girlfriend of Killian Jones, kisses his cheek and laughs.

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