Christmas Time is Coming

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When the letter came a week before Christmas, Harry was ecstatic to read that the Potters had invited him over for the break. He had been grinning all day long when he heard that, and Sirius enjoyed making fun of him a great deal.

It was weekend, and after breakfast, they were all allowed to visit Hogsmeade. Of course, Harry and friends immediately took to Zonko's to visit the twins along with Summer, who made a beeline for Fred and latched onto him with a grin. She was talking happily about everything going on at school before offering help with the shop.

"They really made something of this place," Ron said grinning.

"I'm going to see if George needs any help," Ginny said with a cheerful smile.

She skipped away and Dimitri started trailing after her like a puppy. Dolohov, Nott and Orion went as well, whispering to each other about how their friend was so clearly smitten with the fierce redheaded Gryffindor girl.

"I heard you're going to visit the Potters again this break," Hermione said to Harry with a bright smile.

She was holding hands with Alphard while she looked at her best friend, who had Tom's arm wrapped tight around his waist. Ron had walked off a few moments ago when he noticed Megan had gotten interested in something further towards the back.

"Yeah! It's amazing, isn't it?" Harry said grinning.
"Two years ago my only relatives hated me, and now I have such a big, loving family!"

"Talking about us?" Fred asked, walking past.

"Of course he is!" George laughed.

George walked up to Harry and gave him a peck on his cheek before walking off again, laughing loudly in amusement at the hiss coming from Tom. Harry too laughed and looked over his shoulder to his deeply scowling boyfriend.

"I can ask if you could come too," he suggested.

"And what would I do there?" Tom snorted.
"No, you should have some quality time with your family, but not before you go on a date with me."

. . . . .

The Hogwarts Express would leave on Saturday morning, but on Friday afternoon, the Slytherin 6th years had no classes left either. Most of the others spend this time packing or in the library, trying to get ahead of their Christmas homework. Harry and Tom on the other hand, spend this time in the Chamber of secrets. They spend a lot of their free time down there lately, though Harry wasn't one to complain about that fact. He actually really enjoyed the Basilisk's presence. She was intelligent and witty and even grasped the concept of sarcasm surprisingly well.

Tom was leading Harry though the large, now entirely cleared up pathway that lead out into the Forbidden Forest. The older teen was grinning smugly, making Harry scowl confused. He wondered what Tom was planning. Of course, when he asked, Tom just told him it was a surprise, which really didn't do anything but frustrate Harry by heightening his curiosity.

"Is this about that date you really wanted to go on?" Harry asked as they reached the end of the tube.

They crawled out into the Forest. It was a few miles away from the school, far out of the wards and if Harry remembered it right, pretty much in the middle of the Centaur territory.

"It is," Tom replied smirking, grabbing Harry's hand.
"Hold on tight. This might cause some dizziness."

Harry squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the ground disappear from underneath his feet. It was as if he was squeezed through a straw. Then, suddenly, there was ground again and Harry stumbled, grabbing at his stomach as he heaved.

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