Just Friends

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So, the other chapter was supposed to be posted a few days ago, but apparently, I forgot to hit publish '^_^

I'm sorry about that. So, as consolation, I do a double update! :)

Harry was a bit disorientated when Tom suddenly stopped pestering him about his secrets. He was no longer being followed around by other Slytherins and he could once more talk with his friends without having to be worried he'd be pulled away by Lestrange or Mulciber.

He was still worried of course. In fact, he was more on edge than usual. Alphard hung out often with them, and though both Ginny and especially Ron were uncomfortable with the Slytherin, Hermione seemed delighted.

Next to all this, Tom still insisted on Harry's presence by his side and he had become used to eating next to the Heir. From that point forward, they were also partners in most of their classes, excluding Care for magical Creatures, which Tom didn't take, and Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, which Harry didn't follow. He was getting used to that too, and his grades greatly improved with the young Dark Lord's assistance.

Ron and Ginny were still very much suspicious of Tom's plans of course, and so was Harry. But as days turned in weeks, and weeks in a whole month, he couldn't find it in himself to doubt the Slytherin Heir any longer. In fact, Harry found that he enjoyed spending time with the other more and more.

Tom still flirted with him. Still touched him intimately and held him close. He had taken to holding Harry's hand when he wanted the other to go somewhere, and Harry returned the favour automatically, physically dragging Tom to quidditch practice when they were too involved in another one of their longwinded discussions about magic or one of their classes so he wouldn't be too late. Others found it strange, but to Harry and Tom it came natural at this point. Besides, it wasn't like they were dating or anything. In fact, after that one time, they hadn't kissed again nor had the kiss been brought up afterwards.

Right at the moment, however, Harry was studying alongside Ron, Ginny and another Gryffindor 5th year named Lyall Lupin. He didn't look particularly like his future son, Remus, with dark brown hair and brown eyes, a strongly defined square jaw and wide shoulders. The one thing Harry had learned about him, however, was that he was incredibly biased against Slytherins, as he had immediately complained about Ron inviting Harry over. The two Weasleys had made it very clear they wanted Harry with them, and Lyall had grudgingly agreed.

"Can someone explain to me again why we have to write an essay on an invisible creature?" Ron groaned out as he dropped his feather on his mostly empty page.

"Thestrals aren't invisible," Lyall told him.
"They cannot be seen by people who haven't seen anyone die. That's why they have a bad reputation as Dark Creatures."

Ginny and Ron immediately glanced over to Harry.

"That means you can see them, right Harry?" Ginny asked.

Lupin frowned and glared at the dark haired Slytherin, unhappy that the two Weasleys didn't pay more attention to him.

"I do, yeah," Harry nodded.

"What do they look like?" Ron asked eagerly.
"I bet if we give a good description of them, they'll give us better points."

"You could find an accurate description in books too," Lyall muttered.
"Potter wouldn't even have to have seen one to know what they looked like. Just saying he does means nothing."

Harry rolled his eyes at the bitter tone Lupin used, but didn't say anything about it. Ron, on the other hand seemed about ready to argue, but a gentle hand pressing down on Harry's shoulder had all conversation fall silent.

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