Merry Christmas

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Harry woke the next morning to an empty dorm. This wasn't exactly unusual of course, as Tom had made a habit as of late to wake up very early, have an early breakfast and then move to the library so he wouldn't have to be around Harry.

With a sigh, Harry climbed out of his bed. After last night, he had sort of hoped that Tom would stay around a bit more. He really liked the older teen – even though he knew how stupid it was of him considering what Tom would become – and he had hoped Tom might like him too. He'd been insinuating he did quite a lot lately.

After taking a quick shower and getting dressed, Harry walked out of the dorm and into the common room. The large Christmas tree that had been standing in the middle of the room since the start of the month now had two rather large mountains of presents hidden underneath, but that wasn't what Harry was looking at. No, it was the fact that Tom had dragged two armchairs towards the tree and was currently sitting on one with a very smug expression.

Harry wanted to ask what he was so happy about when something green on the ceiling caught his eyes. He looked up curiously and couldn't stop himself from laughing when he noticed Tom had spelled the entire ceiling full of mistletoe.

"Is that a hint?" Harry asked amused.

"If you want to call it that," Tom shrugged chuckling.
"Personally I think it's more a very loud shout of the facts."

Harry laughed again and moved towards Tom. He leaned down and brushed his lips against the older teen's before standing up again and giving him a bright smile.

"Merry Christmas, Tom," he said.

Tom smiled back and nodded, watching him as Harry took the seat next to him before his eyes fell on the presents.

"I suppose we should get around to opening these?" he suggested.

Harry chuckled and went first. He had a present from all the Weasleys, Hermione, Sirius and several of his own classmates. The whole group he had gotten presents for in fact, barring Tom and Walburga, though he hadn't expected any from them either anyway.

The twins had gotten him several assorted candies they had invented. All of them with a short explanation what they did. Ron had given him a spyglass, with a small note he might be in need of it what with being in Slytherin. Hermione gave him some books on the history, both magical and muggle of the past ten to twenty years and even one that spoke of the following decade. Ginny had gotten him a broom cleaning kit and Sirius a pair of special glasses that would allow him to see through lies.

Mulciber gave him a ring that was spelled to give anyone touching him with malicious intent an electric shock while Nicolas actually had gone and gotten him a medallion with protective charms on him to keep him from physical harm while playing quidditch. Dolohov and Dimitri had piled together in one gift and gotten him a brand new wizarding chess set and Nott had gotten him a book of muggle literature by Charles Dickens. Avery had gotten him a book on old wizarding families 'to learn more about your background here in the UK', and Michael got him a scarf and gloves spelled with a warming charm. And finally, Megan gave him a duelling book.

To his utter surprise, that still left one more present. Harry frowned in confusion and looked over to Tom in hopes he might know more. The older teen smirked amused and shrugged.

"Don't look at me," he said.
"I barely get around to buy my school supplies."

"No idea who it could be from?" Harry asked warily.

"I don't make notes on who's getting what for who, Harry," the young Dark Lord drawled.
"But I highly doubt that it was someone who wants to hurt you. You don't even technically exist yet. Hard to make enemies like that."

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