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While the Great Hall filled with the many students, the twins Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione shared one last worried look amongst one another. Between the students seating at the Slytherin table, they could see the young, handsome Tom Riddle, talking with a boy with shoulder length, curly black hair that seemed oddly familiar to Harry.

"I think that's Alphard Black," Hermione whispered softly.

"Sirius' uncle?" Ron asked wide eyed.

It didn't make much sense to Harry either. Alphard was supposedly the only family member that was willing to help Sirius after he ran away from home. He was described by his nephew as a good man with a sense of humour and he didn't really believe in pure-blood supremacy, at least not like the rest of the Blacks. This boy was going to end up being blasted off the family tapestry by his own sister after all.

Hermione nodded and elbowed her 'twin brother' in the side when he started frowning at the Slytherins. Ron yelped and turned to stare undignified at the brunette girl. Harry chuckled at his two friends and noted not for the first time that it seemed they were made to be siblings. Ginny seemed to think the same thing as she held a hand over her mouth to quiet her snickering.

"Ickle Ronnikins seems to be getting along with his sister again," George muttered amused.

"They still have a lot to learn though," Fred replied smirking.
"Can't have those two ruin the good name of all twins."

"Shut up," Ron muttered bitterly, glaring at his two older brothers.

Of course, the twins only started laughing and teased him some more while Harry and Ginny smiled at them. Hermione rolled her eyes and hit Ron on the back of his head, ordering him and the twins to pay attention. Fred and George snickered at that and saluted at her.

The young professor Dumbledore stood up from his seat next to Headmaster Dippet and walked over to the small group of four, smiling kindly when his eyes met Harry's. The friends smiled back, feeling comforted by the familiar, if not somewhat de-aged, face of their former headmaster.

"Dear students!" the old headmaster croaked from his seat at the staff table.
"As you might have noticed, we will have two new students in 7th year, three new students in 5th year and one student in 4th year. They will be sorted right now, before the first years arrive."

He motioned for Dumbledore to take over and sat down again, looking expectantly at the four newcomers while the auburn haired teacher took the ancient hat from the stool.

"Ginny Weasley!" he called.

Many students, mostly Gryffindors seemed surprised at this. The two Weasleys already seated at that table looked between each other, wondering if either of them were even aware of this particular family member. Of course, neither of them seemed familiar with her.

The redheaded girl lifted her chin proudly and stepped up to the stool with a confident stride. She sat down briskly, sending a deathly glare towards the Slytherin table, where Tom Riddle was watching with moderate interest before she turned her head away and looked over at the Gryffindor table and the two heads with vibrant red hair. Dumbledore gave her a small smile and set the Sorting Hat on her head in a gentle manner.

"Gryffindor!" the hat yelled loudly in only a matter of seconds.

Ginny sighed relieved and smirked at her three friends still standing on the stage as she walked over to the applauding red-and-golden table. The girl she sat down next to a girl who was obviously a Weasley as well, with vibrant red hair, freckles and brown eyes. Shocked, Harry noted that she looked almost identical to Ginny, was it not for her large bush of untameable curls. The expression Ginny made betrayed that she had noticed the similarities between them as well.

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