Grimm Unmasked

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For the entire next day, Harry found he was constantly being shadowed by one of Riddle's goons. Either Avery, Nott, Rosier or Alphard was constantly by his side, claiming to want to hang out with him as friends instead of the obvious reality of trying to spy for their Lord. His real friends were kept at a distance at all times, and when he was able to talk to them, there was always a Slytherin right there beside him like a body guard overhearing everything. Thus, Harry was unable to warn his friends of Riddle's suspicions on them.

Another unfortunate side effect was that most every other student he wanted to hang out with beside the Slytherin elite was too terrified of his suspiciously hovering companions to hold a proper conversation with him. Even Ron and Ginny had given up early on and decided on avoiding him along with every other Gryffindor the rest of the day. Only Hermione and the twins still tried. They were less put off by Harry's sudden guards and Fred and George took every opportunity to tease Harry about his 'bodyguards' while Hermione took the chance to start a friendly conversation with Alphard when the three of them were in the library.

Before long however, Harry found that he was being left out of the conversation as Hermione eagerly soaked up the stories about the happenings of the Black House. When Alphard changed from simply telling stories to flirting outright, Harry silently took off.

For the first time that day, Harry was able to walk around the halls of the large castle without anyone shadowing him, and it truly was freeing. The constant eyes on his person were really getting on his nerves and he needed to have some time to himself after all that.

He frowned as he thought of his Housemate's behaviour. He knew for a fact that none of them, baring perhaps Alphard, liked him. In fact, most of them resented him. Still, every single one of them treated him like a friend, giving him fake smiles and forcing him to join in on conversations, only to ignore him completely until he tried to sneak away and then pull him back in to continue. It had to do with Riddle, there was no other explanation, so why hadn't the Slytherin Heir himself sought him out yet? He already knew too much, and if Harry had any knowledge of the other's personality than it was that he wouldn't let go until he knew every single one of Harry's most deepest, darkest secrets.

He was forcefully pulled from his thoughts as he bumped into another person. Harry cursed to himself silently and quickly apologized, trying to scurry off immediately after before whoever it was could drag him back into the snakepit, but a warm hand on his shoulder had him pause.

"You alright Harry?" Sirius' deep, soothing voice questioned.

Harry sagged in relief and looked up at his Godfather, grinning apologetically.

"I'm fine, sorry for walking into you like that Sirius," he replied.

"That's alright, Harry. I was trying to get a hold of you anyway," Sirius told him, a serious expression on his usually cheerful face.
"Thank Merlin I've got the Map, otherwise I'd have missed you again. Those Slytherins have been flocking you an awful lot today. What's going on?"

Harry huffed in anger and glowered at his Godfather. He opened his mouth to explain when the sound of hurried footsteps resounded through the otherwise empty hall. His eyes widened in slight panic, and he grabbed Sirius' arm, dragging him into a shady alcove to hide. Only seconds later, Dimitri Lestrange and Orion Black came rushing past.

Once the two young Slytherins had disappeared behind another corner, Harry and Sirius came out of hiding. Harry looked around himself to verify they were absolutely alone before he turned towards the older man, who was staring at the direction where the two younger teens had disappeared to with a strange expression on his face.

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