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"You shouldn't have told them," Tom muttered, glaring at Hermione.

"Well, I didn't have much of a choice, did I?" Hermione shot back angrily.
"I would have tried to give them an excuse, but Myrtle already laid a connection."

Harry, who had been silently laughing next to Tom suddenly tensed, eyes wide as he stared at Tom.

"I thought you would take care of Myrtle!" he accused the other boy.

"I did!" Tom argued.

"He did," Hermione agreed smirking.
"He told her that you were pranking her."

"At least make the excuse believable!" Harry groaned.

"How should I know it wasn't?!" Tom snapped back.
"In fact, how should she know? I barely knew you at the time!"

"Alright, what do we do now?" Fred asked.
"Two more people know the secret."

"As long as they don't tell anyone, I don't see the problem," Hermione replied.

"You know what is a problem though? Leaving me alone with bloody Leila Singer!"

Hermione looked over at Ron, who was red-faced and scowling while next to him, Megan was trying to keep from laughing. The same was true for Ginny, the twins, Alphard and Sirius. There entire group sat together in the Room of Requirement, which Tom had shown them to use as a meeting place for all of them who knew the truth about Harry and his friends. It already was a pretty big group. All of Tom's 'followers' and all the Blacks (aside from Cedrella) who didn't follow him too.

The room itself had moulded to Tom's will, and that was overly obvious. The grey stone walls and high arch and the large, polished black table with him on one side at the head and Sirius on the opposite side. Harry sat on his right and Alphard to his left, with Hermione next to him and Ron on Harry's other side.

"Oh hush Ron! It couldn't have been so bad!" Hermione scolded.

"Not been so bad?! She tried to hex me after I told her I wasn't interested!" Ron exclaimed.
"Lyall got angry that I chose a Slytherin over 'one of my own'! Half of my dorm mates and most of the girls call me a traitor!"

"Welcome to my world," Harry muttered.
"Most Gryffindors already call me such because I'm from a Light family sorted in the so called 'Dark' House."

"To be fair, very little Light witches and wizards end up with us," Avery muttered.

"How about we focus on the fact that Granger screwed up?" Nicolas asked smirking.
"It makes me feel good about myself, reminds me she's a mere mortal like the rest of us and that Tom might actually be one too."

Tom glared at the older teen, while Harry snorted amused. Nicolas' smirk disappeared seconds later and he yelped at the sudden stinging hex he received from his Lord under the chuckles of nearly everyone there.

"Just so you know, I didn't mess up!" Hermione argued red-faced.

"I guess Harry and I can be blamed for that," Sirius admitted.
"We really shouldn't have talked in the library."

"And your very mortal leader could have done a better job in giving Myrtle an excuse," Harry added smirking, dodging another stinging hex with a laugh.

"Don't blame your own carelessness on me," Tom scolded frowning.
"If you had been more careful, not even any of us would have figured it out."

"Are you saying I could possibly have outsmarted you?" Harry teased.

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