The Basilisk

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"Can you please tell me why we're here exactly?" Harry asked as Tom led him through the Chamber of Secrets.

It was midnight, so Harry was both tired and a little grumpy that Tom had just woken him up and dragged him out to this place. Tom knew Harry didn't have any fond memories about the place and he really would have liked it better if he never had to see it again. He wouldn't have come at all if Tom hadn't looked so excited for some reason.

"I just wanted to share this with you, since we're both Parselmouths," Tom replied grinning.
"It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you know! The ability was so long believed to have died out."

"Yeah. We can both talk to snakes, great," Harry muttered before he tensed.
"... Wait... You-you're not expecting me to bloody talk to the Basilisk, right?"

Tom smirked and stopped in front of the statue of Salazar Slytherin. Instead of replying, he turned to look at the large statue and spread his arms wide in a dramatic stance.

*Speak to me Slytherin, Greatest of Hogwarts Four!* he hissed.

Harry winced and took a step back as the statue opened up to let the giant being that resided behind it out. His shoulders tensed automatically and he was immediately ready for a fight if it came for that. His fight or flight instinct was on point, and already, the fight part was winning.

"Relax a little, Harry. She won't do anything to you," Tom told him calmly.

*Masssster,* the mighty serpent hissed.

*Shield your eyes, Seraphina. I have brought company,* Tom hissed at her with a small smile.

*Hello,* Harry greeted wearily.

He still didn't look straight at the Basilisk's face, but neither did he look away. He wanted to be ready when it – she – struck. The large serpent cocked her head a little in curiosity and her tongue slithered out to taste the air near Harry, making the teen flinch back.

*It sssspeakssss but isssss not of the blood. How?* she asked confused.

*Because he is my mate, dear Seraphina,* Tom replied amused.
*Do you not agree that I deserve another speaker by my side?*

The serpent swatted with her tail and leaned down closer to Harry to get a better look or smell of him. After looking at Tom for a second, Harry straightened up and stood his ground as the large being pressed her nose against his arm. He had defeated her once before. If he really had to, he was sure he'd be able to do it again... Even without the Sword of Gryffindor.

*I find him ssssatissssfactory,* the majestic snake hissed regally.

. . . . .

"Alright. I've met the in-laws. Can I go back to bed now?" Harry asked teasingly as the snake retreated back to her nest.

Tom chuckled and grabbed Harry's hand in his own.

"I was actually hoping to get you to join in on a little project," he started, caressing the back of Harry's hand with his thumb.

Harry was immediately back to being suspicious.

"What kind of project?" he asked warily.

"I want to clean up the Chamber," Tom said.
"Perhaps we can make it our own little place... Our Love Nest of sorts."

Harry laughed amused and leaned in to peck Tom on the lips.

"Alright. I'll help with that," he said with a chuckle.
"But don't think I'm having sex in this place ever! Not with that giant snake watching."

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