Profile contest: October - Halloween special (CLOSED)

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Tags to use: #halloweenhistfic

Start Date: October 3rd 2016

Finish Date: October 31st 2016

Participation: Must include the correct tag #halloweenhistfic on your story to enter.
Note: Not in the title or description but the actual tag section. This should be a new story, not previously written.

Prize: As in the justwriteit challenge this contest is more of a challenge. However, a few stories will be selected and the winners will be added to a new reading list on the historicalfiction profile.


October - Halloween contest

Remember the stories your grandparents used to tell you? Old stories, which everybody knows, but it isn't known if they are true, or where they came from. We call them the "old wives tales" and want to bring them back to life!

Prompt: Find old wives tales, pick one and incorporate it into your story!

Prompt: Find old wives tales, pick one and incorporate it into your story!

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You already have a story in mind? Great! If not, maybe it is a tale from another country, or about the town you live in. Do research on a topic that interests you and then start writing. Just remember for this entry, it has to be a historical fiction story.

We are looking forward to see what you came up with!

(We invite you to share your entry in the comment section.)

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