Nico 3.0 // pt.1

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You stared at the wall facing you, sharpening your blade, waiting for Nico to return. He was suppose to investigate this anonymous distress signal but he was taking longer than usual. The rest of Argo III went to check on him, leaving you to take care of the warship.

Just as you were about to sheath your blade, a knock sounded at your room door, but it didn't match the code your friends and Nico had made with you. You quickly formed a plan in your head, which wasn't very heroic, but hey, you were planning a surprise attack. Hiding behind your bed frame, you glanced over and pointed at the door, flicking your fingers to the side. The door opened to reveal... Oh my Gods.

Octavian pressing a knife to Nico's throat. You immediately duck back down, heart pounding against your ribcage and panic rising in your throat. The knife felt slippery in your sweaty palm and everything was spinning. Octavian was alive?

"(Y/l/n)? I know you're in there. Come out now before I slice his throat," Octavian threatened but strangely, it sounded distant and hollwo. That definitely could not be good. Calming your nerves, you pointed at a dagger from across the room and lifted it up, swiping it at Octavian's silhouette. You peered over the edge just in time to see it fly at him at a speed which even a trained demigod could not have deflected, but he extended his arm and it burst into dust. You couldn't see his face or body clearly but you could certainly see glowing red eyes and his crooked grin.

"Do you think I'm playing games, (y/l/n)?" He asked, drawing a line of blood on Nico's cheek. He winced and your heart wrenched. Octavian warned, "Come out now or the next time, it'll be deeper on his neck." Slumping against the bed frame, you quickly sheathed your blade and rose from your hiding place.

"Ah, there you are," Octavian remarked with satisfaction. "I guessed you were hiding there, and you do know I could have gotten to you by now, but it's always so much more fun when I watch you fail to beat me." You bit your lip and looked down, unclenching your fists. Your eyes widened in horror as the ship ascended above the clouds, the sun providing you a better look on Octavian.

Most of his face was blackened and charred, skin peeling where his armour did not cover, and all his hair gone. Weird symbols and spells marked his skin and worst of all, his eyes appeared to be entirely black, and his mouth sewn shut. He threw his head back in a cackle that echoed through your head, "Do you not like my new look, (y/l/n)?" He was communicating to you through thoughts... How did he become so powerful?

Extending your arm towards Octavian in surrender, you inquired gravelly, "What do you want Octavian?" Tilting his head, he answered, "I want you to show me where the Greek fire is and turn this ship back to Camp Half Blood. I will finish what I started." You growled, but Octavian tutted and pressed the knife closer to Nico's neck. Nico remained impassive, trying to calm you down. With most of his strength left, he croaked, "Don't let him... Not for me..."

Your eyes travelled over his weak frame and all your will crumbled. You just couldn't bear to see him in such a horrible state, his breathing shallow, his eyes threatening to close forever. Easing your clenched jaw, you closed your eyes and shook your head at Nico. You whispered to no one, "You know I can't."

Octavian turned his attention back to you and a cruel smile ripped across his face. He shook his head, and crooned, "Love... What a disappointing fatal weakness the both of you have..." A tear tumbled down your cheek and you hastily wiped it away. The three of you already knew what you were going to say. Sniffing, you cast a cold bitter look at Octavian which even he flinched at. "Fine. Come with me." And under your breath, you murmured, "And may the Gods help you."

<A/N> TaDa! I totalled the votes and Nico won. Don't fret. I will do Connor and Will after Nico. Your welcome, people who voted for them.

This is the end of part 1 and there will be a part 2, which I'll be uploading some time soon. Give this a comment and a vote, maybe adding this to your reading list, and you know *wink wink* we can arrange a faster release date of part 2. Yes, this one short is more action, more you, and less fluff, but hey, to me, it still invokes a lot of Nico's love to you. Anyway, I'll see you in part 2.

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