Chapter 11: Meet & Greet

Start from the beginning

"Ugh...Pax. You want to go?″ Chris broke my thoughts and I looked at him standing with our lunch trays. He might look normal for others but I noticed him clenching and unclenching his fist while balancing the tray. 

So, I just decided to get him out of his misery.

"Sorry, this is my twin brother Max and you know this is Chris." I introduced both of them and they both did that bro shake they do. I rolled my eyes at Max's wink as he already knew who Chris was.

"It's nice to meet you, finally." He smiled and it had an edge in it that made my confusion grow more. Did Chris didn't like my brother?

"What happened Chris?″ I asked him as we reached our place and took our seats.

"Nothing. Why did you ask?″ He asked taking his books out. Ever so Nerdy nerd.

"You seemed uncomfortable in front of my brother. Do you know him?″ At this, his eyes snapped at mine and he gulped.

"No..that's not...I mean.."

"You can tell me," I assured and took a bite of my steak.

"It's just that, I'm not violating your personal space, am I? I mean you told me your brother and his girlfriend stays with you." His look was one of the miserable ones and it made my heart beat faster than normal. Why...again he was acting sweet.

"You aren't violating anything. You're my friend. You needed a place and I can give you that. So you should just accept it. And what's friends are here for?" I said looking at him daring him to say otherwise. He backed down for a little and then spoke again.

"But if I did, you'll tell or warn me right?″ Oh for god sake! Why doesn't this guy understand? When it'll get through his thick skull that I want him there! I froze realizing what I just thought.

Did I really just say that!?

"Look, Chris, I'm a selfish blunt person. I don't let people in my life. And when I do and I can't help but look after them. If I did think that you'll be a burden-" When he shook his head I glared at him hard, "Don't shake your head. I know that's what's running through your thick head. So throw it out of your head and accept my services." He let out a chuckle at my speech and I smiled.

But what didn't get unnoticed by me that when did I start to really smile?


Afternoon Chris came in with his belongings. Tomorrow his house will be sold out and he would be kicked out. So he was starting with today. Alex and Max already took their respective rooms. We all decided it was best to not talk about the bet when he was in the house. He had a lot of boxes and Max was also helping him get them into the house. And me? I was left looking at his abs.

He was literally shirtless because of the heat and I was making foods in the kitchen. Every now and then he'll enter to keep a box and I'll look at him. When I knew foods were ready I got out to call them inside. No need to be burned out in the heat. But when I got outside Alex had already joined us. She had a smirk on her face which was all too familiar and I rolled my eyes when she winked at me.

"Guys, I think that's enough. You all need to freshen up. And you stink." I said looking at Max with disgust. My twin desperately needs a shower.

"I do not!" Was his comeback.

Thinking of not answering him I yelled, "I've made snacks." Max only gave me a middle finger. The joy of having a brat as a brother...

"Hey! She only meant good. No need to rat it out!" Alex jumped at Max and he just looked at Chris who was looking all over our faces. Oh, buddy, I feel your pain.

"I didn't give you the finger. So stop jumping every time freak!″ Max looked at me begging to stop embarrassing him but I just gave him a smirk. It was only Alex who can keep him at bay.

" are the uh...a...nice pair of boyfriend-girlfriend." It took a minute for us to guess that it came from Chris. I totally forgot when he told me that Alex was Max's girlfriend. Now I feel bad cause I didn't correct him. Alex scowled at him first. She was famous for that scowl. It's a look that does everything but audible hiss. Apparently immune to it, Max brought his finger to his lips and spoke.

"I never knew this brat was my girlfriend. What lies are you feeding on this innocent boy?″ For outsiders, Max sounded calm but I knew he was second from flipping out. Max was waiting for his love at first sight and hearing Alex his girlfriend was enough to make him mad. But looking at Alex once I regretted cause she had a hard expression on her face, her eyes sharp daring Max to say anymore and it made me mad. Who knew she maybe felt humiliated by his tone?

I mean I would...

"You're right. Sorry Chris but I told you that I live with my brother and a friend. And Alex isn't his girlfriend cause she deserves much better than him, right brother?″ I tightly smiled at Max and he held a grim face looking at the floor.

"Arguing always make me tired. Pax. So where's the food?″ I was glad to hear Chris breaking whatever uncomfortable silence was made. At that moment I was more than happy to take him in my house.

But even after that, I wasn't sure how I'll survive tomorrow.

Unknown POV


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Today's update on Paxton Rivera was quite shocking as she was found in a house which is not her with her new victim Chris Wallace. It seems that they are living together. What does this mean to the bet? We have pictures but you can't share them yet. We all need more pictures and then you are all free to share. We'll be back with more info.

Until then-


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