This Is The End As We Know It

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Blurry lights and carnival music woke me for the first time in a year. Clowns prancing about and snake charmers. For the first time in a year. I was smiling a real smile. Even knowing that something wrong was about to happen. I felt like a live wire. Awake and filled with wonder.


The night everything went down between Joker and I would not be our last. I knew he wouldn't go down without a fight and he ran. Cleverly using laughing gas and bombs to get away.

That was a year ago and there was no sign of the Joker anywhere. Peace had fallen on Gotham. And in that year I had finished my nursing degree and attended the wedding of Selina and Bruce and made my life exist on a fairly amazing level.

Some nights I woke up drenched in sweat due to the nightmares but as time came and went they too began to fade. Somethings just didn't fade however. Like my powers. They only grew stronger and began to show up at odd times. A meta human they called it. The only reason I hadn't died under Doc Stranges admistrations was due to a gene I carried which was basically activated under all the stress and the endless injections.

Harley too, had survived the night and had confessed everything. Working for Joker the entire time. Setting up my rape by paying the guards. Orchestrating my meeting everyone in did in Arkham but making it a point i wouldn't be harmed any further than his actions would deem necessary to push me towards the people he wanted me to be around. She was sent to a prison somewhere in Louisiana. Belle Reve I think.

Today was also the 2 year anniversary of my daughter and my father being gone.

With the Sunflowers in hand I made my way silently to the graveyard. The light snowfall blurring my vision as they landed and melted on my lashes. I sat there in the dim cold conversating with tomb stones about the year. Pouring my tears into the frozen ground creating a slightly steaming atmosphere. Nothing could replace what I had lost and I could never have another child to ease my pain and help me grow again.

I wiped the last remains of tears from my face and slowly hopped back into my car. I had hit a point in my life where i had accomplished my goals. But the pain hadn't faded. The scars all felt too fresh. Swiping at the tears that again blurred my vision I  turned the heater on and pulled off to the side of the road. Screaming and pounding on the wheel.

Every single burnt up emotion was at the forefront of my mind and it was all I could to do not to scream. Copper filled my mouth as I realized I had been biting the inside of my lips with the force to make them bleed. Gasping I took off on the road leaving the past to float behind me. Off to another day of work.

Gotham General wasn't the worst hospital to work at I suppose. I thought to myself shrugging my scrubs on quickly and pulling the red locks of hair into a sloppy bun before clipping my ID onto the breast pocket. Tonight was crazy. Almost as crazy as Halloween was. Since the Joker disappeared everyone wanted a shot at the Throne he had left behind in his attempt to escape.

Elbows deep in a mans guts I pulled out the remaining gun fragments before the doctor took over. I ran a hand over my brow not caring that the blood was smearing across my face running into one of the gals who works at the desk.

"Alice! Just who I was looking for!" She grinned her innocent smile full of honey and sugar before handing me a big card board box addressed to me. "I left the flowers at your locker. I hope you don't mind." and she turned and made her way back to her station. I too made my way back to the locker room and pulled the box onto the bench seat before opening it. A scrap book and a little bear sat there. Tirling my head I reached for the bear. It was pretty cute. Yellow with a tiny rose sewed to its hands. Then the scrap book.

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