Daddy J

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➰➰Implied abuse&Language➰➰

I never knew what it meant to be truly trapped in hell. Granted the man that I once loved, was also the same man who turned out to be running a mob full of gangsters behind my back along with  a sex trade ring of minors. My daughter was my only saving grace,she was the only thing that ever made my life worth anything. I had done everything under the sun;drugs,alcohol ,forgettable sex. I never knew that one person could change my life so drastically. I never imagined that it would be the Joker.

When I woke up the next morning,I was curled on the couch back to the wall face to the cushion. I didn't even register the pain until I went to sit up, causing me to groan. Looking down at my body all I could see was the blood. Alcohol bottles strewn across my apartment floor with glass shattered everywhere. This is going to be a fun mess to clean up I thought. I made my way slowly to the bathroom catching the time on the oven , squeaking with dismay I raced as fast as I could to the shower to wash away the bloody evidence of whatever had happened the night before after blacking out from the Joker's torture. How did I wind up back on my couch? How the hell was I even back in my home to begin with? I had to put those thoughts aside as I struggle to get dressed and sweep up the wreck of my house. Knowing that I only had mere moments before my daughter got out of school. I studied my face in the mirror really quickly hoping to hide any evidence that might be there. All I found was the brand of Mr. J on my face. Just like his it was underneath my eye. Yet the main difference was it didn't just say J. It said J's. I popped a few pain pills with the coffee I had heated up before slinging my leather jacket on.

As I quickly made my way down the street towards the school I couldn't help but try and focus on my Lost memories of the night before. His words seem to a haunted and branded themselves into my memory. He was right, he had warned me and he had told me all my little "chit-chat" was going to get me hurt. I'd seen the full extent of everything that had happened the night before. Hell just even hours before I had woken up. Not a single bit of it was beautiful or entrancing, it was brutal and horrifying.

I turned the corner and came face-to-face with the open gates. I scan the crowd of children Milling about searching for the only one I actually gave a damn about. Within moments I'd spotted The Familiar pink Shopkins backpack and the curly blonde hair of my daughter. Yet as familiar and comforting  that site was to me, my heart shattered as I saw who she was talking to. There standing in front of his purple Lamborghini ,was the one and only Joker. The man who seemed destined to make my life a living hell.

I screamed out her name and ran towards them. Hoping to be inconspicuous with all the other parents walking around.My beautiful girl Claire turned towards me with a huge grin on her face going to take a step towards me, until hand was placed on her shoulder and she stopped turning and smiling at him.

"Mamma! Daddy J said you weren't gonna be able to pick me up today. We were gonna get ice cream!" She giggled out her explanation. I ground my teeth together in frustration and looked at the one face I did not want to see.

"Daddy J said that? Whelp boo..momma wasn't feeling all too great when she woke up, but id never not be here to pick you up." I knelt down in front of her pulling her into a hug. Inhaling that sweet baby smell she still had. I glanced up and looked at the Joker. His smirk in place and his hand never left Claire's shoulder. It was as if he was sending me the message silently. 'I found her..I can get to her. Easy.'

I got up slowly and took Claire's hand into mine.

"Sorry about that false alarm J. I know it must have been a hassle getting out here. I'm so grateful you did. But I'm way better.Seriously. thank you." I started to turn with Claire. Praying to get away before his voice stopped me cold.

"I promised Baby Claire some ice cream doll. Don't wanna break her heart with broken promises do we? I did suggest it. And did suggest it. You can come with us."

"Oh mama please! I wanna hear more of Daddy J's jokes too. He's so funny." she giggled out. My heart felt as though it was going too fast. And I couldn't play catch up with my thoughts.

" I did..i did." I stopped myself from snapping out the 'i did not' statement. "Uhm. We can meet you there. Just tell me what shop?"

Jokers face turned into a plastic grin. Fake. So fake. He swing his cane to the side. Grabbing Claire's hand and edging us toward a his car.

"Naw doll. Ill drive. So Much faster." his statement made her squeal in joy. Because, go most girls her age,Purple was her favorite color. I shook my head knowing I was trapped.

"Alright J. Thanks." I said. Ushering my baby into the backseat and buckling her in. I jerked when I felt his hands on my waist. That minty breath brushing over me.

"This was too easy Haven girl. I have to say you waking up on time really took all the fun outta this. But I'll settle for watching you squirm some more. Watching you lick ice cream off a cone might be fun too...." his voice lingered as I pulled out of the car to stand straight. He turned me towards him with a hand on my face. His pupils dialitung in anger as he took in the covered mark. Invisible but to him. "One day you won't ever want to cover that. One day you WILL flaunt it." he hissed into my ear. I cringed as his hand slid over my arm where the heaviest bruising lay. "I see I tied you up too tight last night. Hmmm...I wanna see all those beautiful colors on you later." he whispered sending shivers down my spine.

"Fucking bipolar much? I should gut you right here For everything. Having my daughter calling you Daddy J. Fucking Disgusting." I hissed back into his ear. I watched as he ran a hand through that green hair. Flashing his metallic and red smirk, he gripped me tighter.

"Ohhh....I love that dirty mouth of yours. But I wanna put it to a better use soon. we are gonna talk doll. Talk real good." He flashed me a wink and ran his tongue over those red lips.

Abrubtly he released me. Making his way with that predatory gait to the drivers seat as I stood there drawing in air before sliding into the plush designer car.

"Daddy J, how long have you known mamma?" Claire's voice floated to us. He smiled and laughed.

" Feels like forever these days Baby Claire. But ya mamma has a...very special place in my uh...heart." he told her. She smiled at him and clapped her hands.

"Are you gonna help make her laugh again? Because her last boyfriend didn't make her laugh. He only made her cry."

"Claire!" I snapped. Turning towards her. "Daddy J doesn't need to know that. Remember what we talked about? How some things stay private. Just between us and pawpaw?" She nodded her head and looked down. I reached for her hand. Rubbing my thumb across the back of hers. "Mamma isn't mad at you love bug. I promise." she looked up ad smiled. Melting my heart all over again. The car swerved causing me to turn back in my seat and look at J. I knew the smirk on his face was because I had called him Daddy J to her. I shook my head and sighed.

"So my little princess! I would never make ya mamma cry. Not on purpose." he said suddenly. Startling me out of my zoned out faze,bringing me back to the realization i was still looking at him. And he knew I was. "How would ya feel if I was to be your real Dadddy J?" His face angled towards mine as he parked on the curb.  Staring at me with an intense amount of focus and insanity. Relishing the obvious answer my innocent baby would come up.

"Like be my real daddy? Reading me bed time stories? And dinner with me and mamma? Because I ain't ever had a daddy before." she asked. Wheels and gears turning in her head. He nodded at her, looking mystified as to why those were the things she wanted most. Turning his head to watch me again and taking in my crestfallen features as I felt my heart break again at the lack of her dad in her life.
He let a sly smile take over his face as he knew that answer was all it took to shatter me again. Knowing he was pushing me into a hole I could never dig myself out from.

Edited October20.2016
Word Count:1609

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